Smart Cash: What Does The Future Hold

When investing in cryptocurrencies, if you are truly investing and not just trying to get in on the next pump and dump, it is important to recognize what the future plan for the currency is and where its' potential is long term. I'm going to go over what will drive the success of this cryptocurrency in this article. Please note that I did my own research on Smart Cash to learn all about the current Smart Cash features and have summarized the basic function in this post.

The current immediate draw to Smart Cash for most people is the Smart Rewards, and I was no exception. When I began looking into the benefits and calculating the return I would get for the upcoming month, I was really excited and did some more research, before investing in it myself. Now it is important to note that Smart Rewards are 15% of the mined block reward that is proportionally distributed at the same percentage of SMART to all of the wallets that met the set forth criteria for Smart Rewards. Now, as you can see, as the amount of individuals investing in the currency, the reward will decrease as it is split among more people. The offsetting factor, however, is that as there are more investors, the market cap goes up, so while you receive a smaller % of Smart, it is worth more individually. This means in the short term, rewards should continue to be an adoption factor.

The down side of Smart Rewards is that once we begin to close in on the ceiling, we introduce a second factor that will decrease the amount of Smart Rewards distributed. As this becomes a reality (still many years down the road), the Smart Hive and InstaPay will begin to steer the Smart Cash ship. I discussed as much of the slack channel with the dev team. There is a very noticeable confidence that the Smart Hive feature that is supported by the dev team and the community will have the biggest say in its future. Smart Hive could lead the direction of the cryptos expansion and improvement in so many directions, I just look forward to see where it goes. I am confident that whichever direction they go, Smart Cash is in good hands and will go up.

InstaPay is the other feature that becomes very important. As more people sign up for Smart Cash, more and more vendors will look at it as a viable form of payment, especially since transactions occur instantly. As this occurs, the currency will continue to be more widely adopted. The success of Smart Cash will be heavily tied to the success of InstaPay over time, but it is still a number of years away from being a key factor in its success. The current circulating supply of Smart Cash is only 15.8% of the max supply. Since mining difficulty will continue to increase and the number of coins mined per week will decrease once it reaches a point, then this gives Smart Cash quite a while to grow, develop and gain a base of merchants that accept Smart Cash before it becomes crucial to the success of Smart Cash. I will also mention that since Smart Cash is highly community based, it is more likely to gain traction as an accepted currency among its user base, which should serve as a great base to develop on and act as proof to larger merchants and companies.

The other piece of information that is always of interest in these discussions, is where will the price go and end up. I don't always like to make these type of predictions, but I will in this case and explain my logic leading up to the prediction.

The cryptocurrency market is called a bubble by some. Some of the same people also made a similar mistake when evaluating new technologies when they called Amazon and some of the other technology companies bubbles. Well I will say it, they are incorrect here again. Cryptocurrency is still in the early adopter or early investor periods if looked at like the world changing technology that it is. Even if it is looked at with its bare minimum growth, which in my opinion is represented by the market cap of gold, which currently sits at 5 trillion dollars (this would be opposed to its real potential of the market cap of the entire world, 70 trillion). If it is looked at with that potential and we project no growth in adoption rate of Smart Cash (which it will have), and say that it maintains the current percentage of the market, the price of 1 SMART would be at just under $4.00.

Now, let's suppose that Smart Cash sees an adoption rate increase over the 7 years that it would take to reach that market cap at current adoption rates ( rate not number of adopters) of cryptocurrency . That would put the price potential of Smart Cash at >4.00 and depending on what that rate of increase is, that would affect the price of Smart Cash. Let's say this adoption rate ncrease could be up to 20% if it launches into the top 20 cryptocurrencies. If that happens, the price of Smart Cash could be at $30.00 if the market cap of cryptocurrency reaches 5 trillion dollars (although by that time, maybe the market cap would be measured in bitcoin!).

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit #SmartCash

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