Smarthive propsal #403 Smartstudent Ecosystem Stage #1, month #2 by CoachDigi

This is a video I did describing SmartHive proposal #403, so you can know more about the project and the 2nd month of stage 1.

I´v been working this project for more than 3 months with regular reports of the SmartCash events and meetups. I also participate in the SmartCash Communication Force video meetings with @AntonioClark and @BlockchainRelations.

This isn´t just random meetups, all of this SmartCash events are part of a plan for creating SmartStudents ecosystems in college campus and also a mkting study for knowing the needs of merchants and users.

Proposal #403 Stage 1 month #2 Creation of a SmartStudent Ecosystem by CoachDigi

Budget proposal link

You can also se the report of the first month.

Proposal #182 Stage #1 Month #1 Creation of a SmartStudent Ecosystem by CoachDigi.

Budget Report link

I hope this help you understand the importance of this proposal for the SmartCash Community growth and merchant adoption.

Please, live your feedback or your questions.

thank you for your time.

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