The smart tech agenda EXPOSED

This was first posted by The Unfake Media at.

We have already done a few articles exposing smart cars, the internet of things and virtual reality but seeing how strongly smart tech devices are being pushed we thought it was vital to expose more of the smart tech agenda and the plan to create an elite control grid surveillance system.

Here are some articles that we did that exposed the other technologies being used by the New World Order.

Smart speakers are for dumb people!

One of the most popular smart speakers is the Amazon Echo and it’s many iterations.

Amazon has really been coming to the forefront as a major player in the NWO agenda of building an elite control grid.

Amazon has claimed to have sold over 20 million Amazon Alexa enabled devices.

Alexa is Amazons version of Siri that is the voice assistant used in the Amazon Echo smart speakers and many other devices.

Right now Amazon has over 5 different Echo smart speakers and claims to have 5,000 people working on Amazon Alexa.

The Echo smart speaker has 7 far field microphones that can pick up your voice well music is playing and with all the smart home devices that are being rolled out it can also control those.

Amazon claims that their Echo devices do not eavesdrop on your conversations but anybody with a mind can see that this is false. People have already been convicted of crimes from data retrieved from Echo speakers and how hard would it be for the government to frame people by placing false evidence on their smart speaker.

In this age of complete idiocy, people are willingly placing these government wiretapping devices in their homes and they think it is cool and helpful!

Besides that fact that when you buy one of these smart speakers you not only invite the government to listen to everything you say you are also showing how lazy and idiotic you are that you don’t want to get off your ass and turn the light off or do what ever other easy task it at hand but that you have to tell Alexa to do it for you! You should be ashamed of yourself if you have bought this crap and should toss it all and go ahead and get out that baseball bat and smash that TV of yours to pieces since it is mind-controlling you and programming you into this New World Order.

For those that are unaware there are so many new smart devices coming out that people are buying and becoming dependent on.

Some of these devices are so ridiculous and idiotic that only brain-dead mind-control slaves could possibly think they are a good idea and purchase them.

Here are few of the most outrageous ones.

Smart fork
This is for disgusting fat bodies that need a fork to vibrate so they can know they are eating too fast and too much.

Also, some dumb health nuts might find the idea of a fork that vibrates and records eating data something to invest in but if you are truly into health you will understand that if your body is working right it will let you know when you are eating to much and if you have any common sense you will not shovel your food down without chewing it properly.

Smart water bottle
Can connect with your phone and give you information about how much water you drink or how much you should be drinking. The same thing goes as before if you have a working body it will let you know how much water you should drink

Smart watering can
How discontented from nature can you be that you need your watering can to tell you when to water your plants?!

Smart underwear
I don’t even want to think what this does, but it’s idiotic.

Those are some of the dumbest ones but the ones that are really catching on are things that appear to be more useful and cool but they are all really just a part of the NWO elite control spy grid system.

Smart lock
I am starting to see these more and more at the store and online. It is a hassle to search for lost keys, mess around with opening the door in the dark and making sure you get your keys before you leave your house. Why not just use your smart phone to unlock your door! You can even program your smart lock to let contractors in your house well you are away or you can give your friend access and revoke it at any time! They are going to sell this stuff to you like crazy and you might as well fall for it if you are not tuned into what is really going on with the smart tech agenda of the NWO. They will claim it can’t be done but what is going to stop the government from coming up to your house unlocking your smart lock searching through your house and leaving no trace? Yes they can pick your lock bust the door down and hold you at gun point but that is not something so easy. Besides having the number one criminals aka the government searching your home think about how hackers will find a way to unlock your smart lock and take stuff. Besides all that other stuff there is probably some type of spying device built-in to that smart lock that will invade your privacy even more. For most people privacy is pretty much a thing of the past but making your home a smart home for the NWO is not something you want to do.

Smart doorbell
Is it not so handy to be able to see who is at your door from your smart phone and communicate with them? For many of the mind-control slaves of this NWO that would be something very appealing but do you really want even more of your privacy taken away? You might not comprehend what kinds of things they can do with the data they collect with all these smart devices but if you truly came to see what they can do with this stuff it would horrify you. If you just keep giving in and taking more and more of these smart devices into your life and will not draw a line of what you will not accept then in the end you might end up lining up for the brain chips! After the brain chips are in it’s game over!

Smart light bulb
It is already speculated that some of the regular fluorescent light bulbs out now have the capacity to spy one people with built-in microphones or other technologies. We took a look at some light bulbs and saw that they have FCC notices printed on them. What do light bulbs have to do with communication? Some studies have found that LED and fluorescent light bulbs both have negative side effects because of the type of light they produce. They have already passed laws banning the manufacture of old incandescent bulbs so if you see them at the store you might want to buy a bunch to have on hand because they are less harmful than the mercury filled fluorescent bulbs or the new LED bulbs. LED lights are very energy-efficient I really like all the LED flashlights I have but in that case those are not used as a primary source of light so it might be advised that you use LED bulbs for the lights that you do not use that much and use incandescent ones for the ones that are used the most. And better yet if you have the privilege to live off the grid, it is advised to use candles and lanterns which admit a far better type of light it is also good to get used to using that type of lighting so that you are prepared for a grid down/EMP type event that is possible to happen in the future.

But none the less it is a bad idea to waste your money on the new smart light bulbs that are being sold.

They will tell you all the wonderful benefits of having a wi-fi connected Bluetooth enabled smart light bulb that can be customized to help create the right atmosphere for you dinner or other setting. It might be handy to have all these features built into your light bulb and never have to worry about leaving the light on since you can just control it from your smartphone but in the end you are only helping to further the NWOs smart control grid spying system by exchanging your fake debt based money for this garbage.

Don’t fall for the LIES and programming!

You could go on listing all the new smart products coming out and the flat-out ridiculous ones that the mind-control slaves are glad to take into their homes but the point is you don’t want to help facilitate this agenda of the NWO by buying into all the programming that is there to convince you that you need all this crap. It is truly freighting looking forward to the internet of things plan they have in store where every little thing is connected up to the internet. There are so many different technologies that are being developed by the NWO like drones, super soldier robots, self driving cars, tiny insect like spy robots, and tons and tons of other scary tech these psychopaths have their hands on. The hideous fake media and entertainment has been putting out all kinds propaganda normalizing robots, tran-humanism, cloning, virtual reality and the acceptance of the surveillance state. The fact is I don’t want to live in a world where you can’t get lost and every move you make is tracked. People need to start standing up to this stuff and stop letting all this stuff into their homes and lives. With the Agenda 2030 goal they really want to get people out of the rural areas and into the mega smart cities they are building and have everything super controlled and monitored via the smart tech elite control grid they are building via 5G smart meters and all the smart tech for dumb people. They have already come in and threatened to disconnect people’s power if they don’t let them put in the smart meters.

They came in and did it to my house without consent, and in the middle of winter for most people they have no choice but to let them come and put the smart meter on their house. With this kind of stuff going on it makes me want to get fully off grid and away from all this crap but in some places in the USSA they have made it illegal to live off grid and are fining people for not being connected up to their system and going along with their tyrannical bullshit zoning laws.

May the fight keep being fought against the NWO and all it’s agendas and the truth may get out so that people can get out of their slumber and wake up and stop being led to the slaughter!

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018

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