I believe that each one of us has the capacity to love animals. It is in our innate nature to extend extra cares for them especially if we are keeping one at home. We become emotionally attached to our pets because they show back the unconditional love and care we give to them. Eventually, they become part of the family. Each is as important as everyone else. We do not ever leave them behind.

In our home, we only have one pet. We have a dog and we named him Primo.

My youngest son, Mãli is always excited to see Primo especially when he wakes up in the morning. He would greet the day eagerly with sooooooo much energy and will hurriedly go to Primo to give him a morning hug. Sometimes I worry that he might hug the poor fellow too tight! You know how he cant control of his grip yet. There are times when Primo is being summoned by Mãli, Primo would back off and hide!! 🤣😂.. He knows that this kid wont get enough of him.

Every morning, Mãli would always volunteer to accompany Primo on his morning walk. He would insist that he will be the one to hold Primo's leash tag. Its funny watching them because supposedly Mãli should take the lead of the walk. It turns out, he is being walked on by Primo!! Hahaha.. if you only can see how Primo tags him off for he walks too slow.

We usually walk around several blocks in our village. Good thing, it's a weekend and there aint a busy street.

It is always a lovely walk each time.

You will never see a tired look from this child of mine in any of our walks. As long as Primo is with him, nothing else matters.

In time, Primo had gotten used of Mãli's presence. Before, he was pretty much reluctant to go near him, for fear that he might loose an ear from gripping too much. Thankfully, my little boy had managed to go soften with his touch and hugs to Primo.

You see, when Primo was first brought home we tried to separate them almost every time because Mãli would always wants to go near Primo. And each time, Primo will always get hurt by him, unintentionally of course.

And now, these two are inseparable. Love truly endures and grows with time.

You know when your child is happy not just because you know it. But you can feel it in the geniune smile on their faces and the sparkles lingering in their eyes are the obvious evidences of how they truly feel. Children have the tendency to tell and show their true feelings.


I absolutely agree. You can never find the unconditional love, loyalty, devotion and companionship that will go beyond our last breath. Their love for us holds no bounderies and limitations.

For one thing, they will never judge you by how you look. Physical appearance is of no value to them. In spite of being loved back or not, they will still demonstrate the love they know how. They will love you without expecting nothing in return.

In most cases, dogs knows if we arent feeling okay. They will try to console you and cheer you up. And no matter how kuch you push them away, they will not abandon you. You can never be alone or lonely when you have them around.

Surround yourself with not just people to love. Adopt a pet! Be it a dog or a cat or even a snake (waaaaaaahhhhh that I cannot).. it is up to you. Be an animal lover!

So tell me, do you have dogs??
Ooooohhhhh I know somebody who have the cutest dog ever.. right Miss Saffi @saffisara! 🤗😍😙😙

Gotta go! Have a blessed Sunday everyone...



Do head over at @dragraff for the details of this contest. Click DOGS...

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