"Catastrophic Contagion" It's a BIG deal from a SMALL virus.

It originated 3,000 years ago. Don't ask me how they know that, but apparently it had a big run. Not to get off subject right out of the gate, but, how the hell did no one invent a printing press for nearly 2,500 years of the suspected date of this? Just doesn't make any sense that people were just plain stupid and didn't think maybe it would be cool to read a book instead of papirus in a scroll form. 🤔 That would be like 5 SCROLLS in circulation. I imagine the "library card" requirements were pretty strict back then.🤣


But lets get back to the subject. There was another "Event" from Bill Gates and the crew. Remember Event 201? The one about a Corona Virus that some how gets started in China and infects the world? Done in October of 2019, this event seemed to be a prediction of things to come. Or was it? Was there a "Monkeypox" Event too? Speculation is that at the G7 summit just about 14 months before the first Monkeypox discovery, that there was talk about Smallpox and Monkeypox. Just some internet and Social Media speculation. But it's a little to close to call.

In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), had what is called a "table top" excersize. There wasn't a close comparison made since it was over a year later. But, there was another "coincidence" that just doesn't happen to often. The excercise was about a NEW extremely viral Monkeypox virus that came from a fictional country. Since it was fictional country, there isn't a connection right? Not in the sense of where, but, in the scenario created, it started on May 15, 2022. The first recorded Monkeypox infection came on May 7, 2022.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others were involved. Bill Gates didn't participate, but some pretty important people from the Gates foundation did.

  • Dr. Chris Elias, president of the global development division of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Dr. Margaret (Peggy) A. Hamburg, interim vice president for global biological policy and programs at NTI, a member of the global health scientific advisory committee for the Gates Foundation and a member of the board of GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance.

The Gates Foundation was involved. However, there are few more people you should be aware of that attended the event.

  • Dr. Michael Ryan, executive director of the WHO Health Emergencies Program and a highly visible figure during COVID-19 times.

The WHO are going to be an important part of this article. Another person that, in my opinion, has to be mentioned.

  • Dr. Petra Wicklandt, head of corporate affairs for Merck.

Corporate affairs? What part of that position is important for this event? I think it's a part of a functional role in what may be a very real possibility. First, the other participants of status are,

  • Dr. George Gao, director-general of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (the Chinese CDC).
  • Dr. Ruxandra Draghia-Akli, global head of Johnson & Johnson Global Public Health R&D and Janssen Research & Development.
  • Sam Nunn, a former U.S. senator who is the founder and co-chair of NTI.

China, J & J and a former US Senator, but now a founder of NTI. Lets look at some of their accounting of the event and see how well they did with a Monkeypox virus.

  1. More than 3 Billion were infected.
  2. Over 270 Million Fatalities.
  3. Fictional Countries with no lockdown experienced worse outcomes.

Mandates and travel requirements were main parts to "flatten the curve".
The Event covered a Terrorist release of the virus. Of course some pharmicutical companies were there to get required information to develop a cure. But why a head of corporat affairs? The position wouldn't have any use, considering it is more about employees and dealing with internal issues of the company.

This is an odd connection. Odd in that it's what this article is about. This isn't the only thing leading to the premis behind this article, but it certainly brings another piece of the puzzling connections contained here.
Merck was part of an investigation that involved the FBI and none other than the CDC. In November of 2021, they were investegated for some suspicious viles labled "smallpox" supposedly at their facility in Philidelphia.

Not quite Paul Harvey, but

"Now for the rest of the story."

Smallpox is the disease that had a 3,000 year reign. It is very similar to the Flu in symptoms, except it also produces a rash that appears on the face first then the hands and forarms. Eventually appearing on the torso. It is able to be overcome. Before the vaccine, people did survive infection. Not everyone survived and that is something that needs to be known. Smallpox had a 30% mortality rate. 3 out of 10 infected, died. Earlier in time it had an even greater rate, somewhere near 50%. Of course, the way they tried to "cure" the disease was a contributing factor. "Cutting" a person to create a wound to release blood, had a high chance of getting infected, contributing to death. It also weakens the person and that isn't good for anyone that is sick. Then came the vaccine, it has some side affects. But, to overcome this deadly disease, everyone got vaccinated until 1980, when it was declared eradicated. Survivors were sometimes left with severe scarring or blindness.

It's a pretty serious topic for discussion. Because some things are just as "coincidental" as the Covid virus, which by the way is the biggest scam in history and the evidence is real and provable. But this is a new or "Next Pandemic", which Bill Gates had some words to describe it, and he's not alone. Covid is in full swing. Vaccines are supplied, but we know they aren't working. But he discusses the Next Pandemic as if this pandemic didn't get the results he was looking for.

Gates made his statment in February of 2022. Biden made his 4 months later, in June of 2022.

Predicting things to come, seems to be a thing for Gates. His TED TALK in 2015 was a call for investment. But it also was a notification that there was going to be some research. Not only research but "Germ Games".

So when Event 201 happens and just a few months later the first Viral Video from China of a man falling over, aparently "dead" from a virus.. this is something to take seriously. How many "Germ Games" has he created? 3. Two of them came true. The third, titled "Catostrophic Contagion", hasn't happend yet. But what you're about to learn is, there is a lot of preperation going on for a "smallpox" virus. Building of a knowledge base. Medications and vaccines. Something is coming and everyone knows about it but the general population.

More children dying. But this was set for the year 2025. It's about to be 2023. That's a couple years from now. This gives us time right? That depends. Like this video, it isn't something that is going to happen in 2025. With a similar (SARS-2) starting point of December 2024 (SARS-5), but having most of it's focus in 2025. That would make this video, a prediction that isn't a prediction. It's a promise. Like Bill said. An early simiulation was done in March of 2022. Called "Outbreak 24: Simulation of a highly lethal global pandemic"

Notice that the Event Scenario started in South America and a lot of Latin American "experts" attending the Outbreak 24 "Germ Game". While the recent "Catastrphic Contagion" had more South African experts. The 2 biggest "Non Vaccinated" areas from the Covid Pandemic.

Great! We will be prepared!

But to much preperation is a sign of knowing what is coming. There's more to get into, including some preperation by the WHO. It wasn't done this year. It was started back in 2018. Not to mention the knowledge of some patents for smallpox getting placed in 2021. Things aren't preparing for an "unknown" virus. This is a plan for a KNOWN virus.

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The WHO celebrated 40 years of Smallpx Eradication in 2020. The UN issued a stamp commerrating the eradication.
UN Smallpox eradication
Usually when something is eradicated, it means it isn't coming back.

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So why is it that every single Health Organization, including the WHO, NIH/NAID, CDC, and Mayo Clinic are now actively providing information about smallpox? Including, giving way to a very convincing connection to the investigation of Merck, by publishing BioTerrorism articles and information about a bioterrorist threat using smallpox.

Maybe the Merck story was important to get published because information would come into existance of the only 2 facilities in the world that have smallpox. One is in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States. Though the article was published in 2014, that is the information provided by the NIH/NAID. The other is in.. (suspense sound effect)


A war with Russia and Ukraine. Smallpox in Russia. Sounds like a pretty suspensful movie. Could even be titled:

Catostrophic Contagion


You may just becoming aware of this threat. Not Bioweapons like the Covid Vaccine, but Bioterrorism. The CDC has known of the Smallpox Bioterrorism threat since 2016
The Mayo Clinic has had it's "potentially" known terrorist weapon, since August of 2022.

This may be nothing. It may just be some sort of speculation by a real "just in case" scenario. But the WHO has set up a Smallpox Secratariat, that manages an emergency stockpile of smallpox vaccines. They had a Smallpox meeting in 2013. For a disease that has been eradicated, everyone seems to think that it could come back. Maybe it's because someone suggested a scenario about smallpox in 10 airports being distributed by terrorists.

But Concidering it has been eradicated. There certainly is a lot of discussion and a lot of preperation being done for smallpox. Knowing that the concept or terrorists that have "Genetic scientisits" that know the "code" for Covid, because it's everywhere, (Uhhh ok, so this fake virus code is everywhere, but not one freedom of information act request has come back with the genetic code.) the world isn't safe from smallpox. Then a Merck employee finds a bunch of viles (15) labeled smallpox, when there are supposed to only be 2 facilities that have it. Then somehow, Monkeypox is spreading almost on the date that a FICTIONAL "Germ Game" randomly picked as it's discovery date is only off by 8 days. Then to have Bill smirkingly say "So we, you know We'll have to prepare for the next one. that, you know I'd say is uhh will get attention this time." The thing that sticks out is he didn't say next time. He said "This time".

Research, as he says, is an important part of preperation. Research, supposedly, is also what the "Gain of function" at the Wuhan lab, called it's work. To many things are pointing in the direction of Smallpox. Not to mention the sudden patents on Smallpox vaccines.

We know there is a depopulization plan. We know a lot about these things. Well maybe not everybody. But those things are why there is this:

The game reveals plans. Gives you a reward for playing. All you need to do is get Solvia. Then get it swapped for ZOMP.

That's a great way to prepare yourself for "this time".


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