A captivating look ( Fantasy Style Portrait)


My drawing today is a girl who reflects an intense look, which is a natural trait that have many people, to reflect mystery and although for many is complicated, for others is such a natural act. That's why I decided this option for my publication today, I hope you like it, like me.

My loves ❦ My art works are made with a tablet, using an application called Adobe Illustrator which we can download for free in the Play store. My works are made between 9 or 10 layers which I will explain in 4 or 5 and likewise I will leave a GIF where you can see the full development my work


The first step is to open the application and choose the size of the sheet you are going to work with, and I selected a 1200 x 800

Then I start working, emphasizing that doing it by layer is better and makes it easier to work in case of possible errors that can not be erased.

In the first layer I use a mix of colors that would later fade to achieve the texture I like in my digital illustrations.

In this part you can see that I paint the eyebrows using three colors and drawing hair for hair, to give that touch of realism that I like in my illustrations, also I started to paint the mouth.

Then I define the girl's nose, finish painting the mouth and paint the eyes, which are my favorite part, as I would love to have that look that reflects the illustration.

For the final part I gave more lighting to the nose, I added a dorno on the forehead, because I love the jewels and paint the hair.

What do you think of the drawing? I remind you that you can leave all your comments, sweethearts of Steemit.

❤❤ Illustration Gif, step step❤❤

❤❤Previous works❤❤

Remember that every step of my digital drawings are made by me, to share it daily with you sweethearts.

❤❤Thank you very much for your support ❤❤

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