status update post

Hi guys, this is a status update post since I've been away for 2 days, both from steemit and from discord because I am ill. I am still not in best shape today, but I felt like I should notify the people that I‘ve been working and collaborating with,and all of you who sent me wonderful messages.

Two days ago was the amazing “vision” artist panel, that brought a lot of new visitors to my blog and led me to discover about many interesting initiatives. :)

Right after the panel, I went out to celebrate my boyfriends birthday. All nice and fun, but the next day I felt awful, at first I thought it was an exaggerated hangover (exaggerated because I had 3 glasses of rose wine with sprite), then, I thought my partying time is over, my body has become too old for that. :))

Good news is that I am not too old to party, bad news is, the mother of colds got me, started fevers and I could barely push through replying to all the comments today. :)

About the “vision” artist panel, I have so many great things to say, I loved hearing from @everlove and more about her strenuous work dedicated to better collaboration and support within the steemit big art family.

I had the pleasure to meet @zipporah and to be introduced to her amazing work.
@yusaymon was the panel’s sensation, explaining straight forward about his creative process. I also had the pleasure to hear from some of my personal heroes artist heroes, @elohprojects and @reinhard-schmid, a bit bummed about the fact that I did not hear from @denniskonstantin because this three are from all my stemit favorite artists.

@Mr.Blinddra was a big surprise as I did not know a lot about him (he is also known as @playitforward) and I am sure I still have to discover a lot :D but at least I found out about the Whisper Gallery project that is insanely cool and it has inspired the global collage project.

@overkillcoin has shared some of his career experience and I saw some amazing work from him that I should have known but did not until the panel- :)

About what I had to share, I do not remember one word I said. I was so nervous that all day
I tried to convince myself that it would be like a discussion between friends were I will just be talking with @stellabelle and @juliakponsford, so I wouldn’t have to picture all the audience naked ( I do have a lot of imagination but wouldn't know were to start ) :P

So, I would be so happy if someone made some highlights posts from the panels, moreover because I could not stay to listen to the next rounds and I am sure I missed a lot of great information.

Few things are certain as an overall shared impression, everyone wants this format to be repeated in hopely a weekly series, and stella teaming up with julia were so naturally talented as co-hosts.

I don’t know why the rule of “good news travels fast” doesn’t apply that well in steemit art world. A lot of information that all of us should have known about each other's work and initiatives (since it was so valuable), was not known and came as a big surprise. So, my lasting impression is that a newsletter about art initiatives and projects should be started!!! So all the good information and opportunities can be found and promoted in one place and not as promotional competition for visibility, but more to enable us to work together and help each other, because the mission of all the art communities on steemit is common, to help artists have better visibility and financial stability.

Together with @jnmarteau we wanted to do a weekly slothicorn newsletter and we tried to share info (about art initiatives, projects and communities) at the end of all our posts, but that is not enough for visibility and is so apparent that we are not on top of all the cool things that are happening, so I don’t know how we can do this yet …

I am thinking that maybe there should be an empty daily post where people could advertise in comments about their initiatives and projects that help artists and we can create a the newsletter post at the end of the week, but since I am still sick and do not have a clear vision yet on this I really beg for suggestions in the comments from you.

I am 100% sure this post is not very well written since it was a last minute push through sickness decision, and I am sure, I am forgetting to mention someone from the panel, be indulgent with me and please, excuse me, today, my mind does not work full capacity.

Will share some doodles and sketches (for post cover) that I made yesterday while my supposed hangover keeped me away from computer but not away from my small sketchbook :P






and now my giant cup of magic tea to get well faster and share more art :)


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