SHOP AND DROP RPG: GAME ON! by @rubenalexander II

the game is still on and I am bringing some updates, news and art :D

" @pbock walks closer to the third machine and which is a Pinkstar. "
The Pinkstar is a machine that allows you to donate a specific amount of PINK to a wallet that will support a charity. Someone has left 12000 PINK on the machine but hasn't selected a charity. Here are your choices. 1) Cardiac Kids 2) Zwischenraum Thurgau (Swiss Montessori School) 3) Pink Acorns (POS PINK wallet that donates minted PINK to the Pinkcoin wallets with the least amount of PINK). Please choose a charity or discuss this choice with your team."

"M @mikepm74 is near the diaper aisle and the cleaning aisle and he has forged a paper towel javelin that has attack. He also has a spray bottle of Farm and Glamour disinfectant spray that has attack. @mikepm74 has two weapons!
5:46 PM @inquiringtimes grabs a piece of the bamboo display, which is conveniently made of bamboo and uses it as a shield for defense. When @inquiringtimes peers behind the deli counter he sees this creature (with attack and hp) without it noticing him."

human choarzo.jpg

supermarket background 2charzo market 1.jpg

in a few days I will tell who's art I borrowed and used in this supermarket artwork and share the well deserved SBD ...
but if you see your art in this composition upvote this post and @rubenalexander game post and comment with "my art is there " and I will donate 1 extra SBD :D

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