crypto art + steemit cover design

Yesterday I started a new Crypto Artwork, to be honest I’ve missed spending an unjustified number of hours, focusing, only on making something beautiful under a simple set of rules.

bitcoin logo 1.jpg

This is actually my guilty pleasure when making art. I design a set of rules to consider during the entire creative process, and after, I focus to follow it to my best ability.
To better understand, what i mean by “set of rules”....
It is a concept guideline sketch of the idea, that ends up deciding the overall style atmosphere and subject of the artwork.

Color =>Use only black and white / negative and positive interlaps;

Subject =>Bitcoin Logo

bitcoin logo gol.jpg

Style/ mood => free hand drawing; doodles;
Design elements and symbols: curved lines & dots & circles; liquified shapes; straight lines & squares.


first saved work in progress

bitcoin logo first.jpg


bitcoin detail 2.jpg

bitcoin detail.jpg

bitcoin detail 1.jpg

I could not decide on the final version of the artwork, so I am asking for your help with this one :P


bitcoin logo 2.jpg

bitcoin logo 3.jpg

bitcoin logo 1.jpg


[fashion illustration; print design]

From the same patterns I created a few steemit covers for the @covermaker project.
To find out more about this project, or to get yourself a cover created by an artist for you, check this posts:

Here are a few designs :P


cover 3.jpg

cover 6.jpg

cover 7.jpg

cover 2.jpg

cover 1.jpg

cover 4.jpg

cover 5.jpg

cover 10.jpg

cover 11.jpg

cover 12.jpg

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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