The Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada

What is MKULTRA? The MKUltra project, sometimes referred to as the CIA control program, was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects designed and carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in clandestine operations to control human behavior. In 1977, an application for the Freedom of Information Act revealed a cache of 20,000 documents related to the MKUltra project that led to Senate hearings. The projet using chemical and biological substances to alter human behavior was approved by CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953 and supervised by the chemist Sidney Gottlieb. The first programs under the name of MKULTRA between 1953 and 1963 has operated 149 subprojects in Canadian in universities, medical centers and prisons involving 185 researchers, 15 foundations and Many pharmaceutical companies. Inpatients were transformed into virtual vegetables by doses of "electroconvulsive therapy" 30-40 times more potent than usual, sensory deprivation, hallucinogenic and paralytic drugs, and other psychological and physical tortures. All military research forces sponsored by the military have collaborated with the CIA. Most civilian subjects were unconscious; Even CIA employees and army recruits who have consented to drug and hypnosis experiments have not been properly informed of their dangers.

The Sleep Room The sleeping room is a disconcerting four-hour miniseries, depicts the true story of Dr. Ewen Cameron's MKULTRA brainwashing experiments conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal in the late 1950s and early 1960s. During the era of brainwashing regimes, the psychiatrists and psychologists in other Canadian institutions used similar methods to "treat" people who were randomly diagnosed with depression, schizophrenia or, in prisons, Which was perceived as "anti-social" conduct. Many people abused entered the Institute suffering only from mild disorders such as anxiety and postpartum depression. By the time they were released from the torture chamber of Sleep Room, many had tens of memory totally erased. The first case of CIA brainwashing before a jury was in 1999. By the end of 1999, Canadian men and women came forward to say they were used in prison and hospital experiments In the 1960s and 1970s. Collective action against the penitentiary system was filed anonymously by "Jane Doe", a 75-year-old grandmother who realized after reading newspaper stories that she was one of the 23 Women who received LSD and other terrifying "treatments" without their consent. In 1988, the US National Security Agency accepted an out-of-court settlement of $ 750,000. The Anne Collins book "In the Sleep room: The Story of the CIA's Brainwashing Experiences in Canada" expose the ethically unacceptable experiences on psychiatric patients.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1.  CBC Documentary on MKULTRA in Canada (
  1. Survivors testimonies: (

  2. The physical or emotional or sexual mistreatment of children has lifelong consequences. Child Abuse Recordings Sorted by Title. He have 127 titles in this category. (

  3. For a summary of the federal court cases see "The Law and Mind Control: A Look at the Law and Government Mind Control Through Five Cases" by Attorney Helen McGonigle (

  4. The Sleep Room, a four-hour miniseries about Dr. Ewen Cameron's secret MKULTRA brainwashing experiments in Montreal during the '50s and '60s, aired on CBC. (

  5. ABC News Special ‘Mission Mind Control’ - MKULTRA and the CIA (

  6. The Sleep Room, by F. R. Tallis - The Washington Post (

  7. Part 1: Canadian and U.S. Survivors Seek Justice
    Written by Arlene Tyner (

  8. 1997 interview on CKLN radio, Moss-Sharman recounts her own nightmare as a child victim of CIA/military brainwashing experiments. (

  9. Audio files (

  10. Mk-ultra links – Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control Experimentation on Children (

12- The Sleep Room was a 1998 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation television movie about experiments on Canadian mental patients that were carried out in the 1950s and 1960s by Donald Ewan Cameron and funded by the CIA 's MK Ultra program. (

  1. The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for all documents pertaining to MKULTRA and related projects. ENTIRE collection of MKULTRA CIA (

  2. Additional Documents Declassified About MKULTRA

  3. Collection Mind Control List of documents pertaining to mind control and research of military and government. Mind control (also known as brainwashing, reeducation, brainsweeping, coercive persuasion, thought control, or thought reform)controversial methods or human subjects are be indoctrinated in a way that causes “an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations.
    16. The #Pizzagate Wiki about Project MKUltra : CIA projects centered around the idea of mind control using a variety of methods, including mind-altering drugs, sensory deprivation, and verbal and sexual abuse. (


  5. Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program of Research Into Behavioral Modification (

  6. Government Experiments on Citizens (

  7. A report on Satanic cults, the CIA, drug trafficking and missing children. (

  8. MKUltra & related projects combining over 150 sub-projects ( (

  9. Mind Control Project MK-ULTRA in Washington Post (

  10. Dr. Shaun D. speaks about project monarch Slavery in Canada (

24- Manifesto detailing the trauma state in Canada and the monarch slavery (
25- The #Pizzagate Wiki : We are an open-source investigation organization which documents facts and sources about crimes, potential abuses of power and disinformation conducted by governments around the world. Using facts and cited sources as well as honest discussion we can collectively solve perhaps the greatest and most secret crime spree ever committed. ( (
#OpChangeTheWorld2 Activism #Pizzagate Wiki (

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