How Deep is Your Sleep Frequency?

Slowly as we master relaxation, new doors open leading to new horizons!

Sleep and dream times provide a great opportunity for us to step outside our everyday consciousness and experience the inner landscape.

The quality of our sleep is determined by how many times we dip into Theta (4-8 Hz) and Delta (0.5-4 Hz) in a particular night. To read more about brainwaves and sleep cycles, please refer the foot note link.

Ancient Egyptians made pyramids for the purpose of spiritual development of man. Ancient texts documented major initiations and rites of passage happened within those megalithic structures. Last few decades, we have had several innovations made to alter our brain cycles to mimic our sleep cycles and help foster awareness, deep relaxation, creativity and focus.

One such technology called Brain Wave Entrainment exists that can be used to improve stress relief, boost productivity, deepen sleep, dream recall and lucidity (knowing that you are dreaming within a dream – as bright as daylight waking consciousness!). Creepy stuff, huh? Not really, no harm in trying. After all, it may work for you.

They are basically life hacks albeit for a higher purpose. I have used them personally myself and found to be great aids to meditation in providing a mental shift in an effortless manner.

BlissCoded Sounds -

Per Ardua Ad Astra – Through adversity to the stars

Check out samples in YouTube -

Foot note :

Brain Wave and Sleep Cycle – Mindvalley Academy -

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