Always sleep quality is not good, maybe because of eating these things...

Always sleep quality is not good, maybe because of eating these things...

Poor sleep will not only affect the work and study of the next day, but also affect health after a long time. There are many reasons for insomnia, and most people often think of stress or poor sleep.
If these factors improve, insomnia remains unresolved. Then the problem may be in the diet, because eating wrong may also lead to insomnia.

Caffeine, alcohol intake
Everyone knows that caffeine causes brain nerves to excite, while coffee and tea contain a certain amount of caffeine, which can affect sleep. In addition, although studies have shown that the right amount of alcohol can make people relax before going to sleep at night.
However, alcohol may reduce the quality of sleep, reduce deep sleep time, and increase the number of night waking. It is recommended that you do not drink coffee or tea after lunch, because some people are sensitive to caffeine.
At this time, the intake of caffeine can easily lead to insomnia at night. At the same time, although drinking a small amount of red wine before going to bed can help sleep, but remember that small wines are good, big wine hurts,
So please don't drink a lot of wine to help you sleep.

Do not eat staple food to lose weight
Dieting to lose weight and not eating staple foods is one of the many popular methods of weight loss. But I don't know, this method of weight loss can easily lead to insomnia, not only because the stomach is empty, and hunger is intolerable.
It may also be due to malnutrition that affects the normal functioning of the brain. Because the staple food contains gamma-aminobutyric acid, it is a neurotransmitter that inhibits the nervous system and helps people fall asleep.
In addition, the intake of calcium and magnesium in dieting people is often insufficient, which increases the insomnia. It is recommended that during the weight loss period, you can control the amount of staple food and eat less rice, but you can't eat it all at once.
For example, a woman sitting in an office needs to eat at least 3 staple foods a day. If the amount of exercise increases, it is necessary to increase the weight of the staple food. In addition, adding a little carbohydrate to your bed before going to bed can help you sleep.

B vitamin deficiency
The effect of B vitamins on our sleep is far greater than our imagination. For example, vitamin B1 deficiency can cause depression and slow thinking, while insomnia increases vitamin B1 consumption, leading to a vicious circle.
This is because the deficiency of vitamin B6 causes the metabolic pathway of amino acid synthesis neurotransmitters to be disordered, resulting in obstacles in brain function. In recent years, studies have found that eating foods with low sugar content is beneficial to improve the quality of sleep.
Therefore, in our daily diet, we should change the habit of eating sweets and sweet drinks. Sweets include cakes, biscuits, cookies, sweet bread, etc., and the content of ingredients such as fat, refined sugar, refined starch, and dextrin in sweet drinks. high.
These ingredients not only do not contain B vitamins, but also consume vitamins from the body.

Related studies have shown that calcium levels in the body increase during deep sleep. That is to say, the lack of calcium may lead to the lack or lack of deep sleep, affecting the quality of sleep. Sleep will return to normal levels as blood calcium levels rise.

At the same time, the lack of magnesium can also cause sleep disorders. If you can adhere to a high-magnesium and low-aluminum diet every day, you can get your deep sleep, and sleep until dawn.

Some scholars have found that people who do not like to drink milk, do not like to eat vegetables, eat less soy products, eat meat, and taste more in life, calcium and magnesium are often insufficient. So in order to have a good sleep, no longer worry about insomnia,
In our daily diet, it is best to eat more than 500 grams of vegetables a day, and eat 300 grams of dairy products, or 200 grams of dairy products plus 150 grams of brine tofu.
Finally, I wish every friend can have a healthy and beautiful sleep!

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