How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?


Every human being on earth needs a time out to relax, sleep and rest to fully recover lost strength.Sleeep has been seen as a natural recurring state of both the mind and the body. For the body to recover lost strength, one needs to sleep for quite some hours. This natural recurring state of mind is fully characterized by a reduced or silent interactions with the surrounding, inhibition of the voluntary muscles and many others.

How Much Sleep Do We Need?

The amount of sleep we all need as individuals is dependent on numerous factors, most especially age. It is believed that infants usually use up to 16 hours in a day to sleep, while teenagers take about 9 hours in a day to sleep, and for the most part of adults, about 8-10 hours every night appears to be the best time to sleep although some people need as low as 5 hours or as much as 10hours in a day to sleep and fully regain lost strength.

How Important Is Sleep?

As people grow older, they tend to sleep lightly and for shorter periods than when they were a bit younger. Although they need the same amount of sleep as when they were younger. It is believed that people above 50 usually have sleeping disorder such as insomnia, while in older people, deep sleep stages become shorter or in most cases it stops completely.

Sleep is very important and cannot be over-emphasized. Experts say that in the process of doing boring activities or being drowsy during the day is a sign of lacking quality sleep. Also, if you fall asleep just 5 minutes after lying down, you have severe sleep deprivation or a sleeping disorder.

Thanks for having me again. Until next time, I am @osigbhemeh.

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