The Power of Sleemit

What is Sleemit?

"Sleemit" is a new term I created to allow people to refer to a certain blockchain based social media site without actually saying the name of the site.

Why use Sleemit in your post?

Using "Sleemit" in your post will allow you to freely discuss and even promote a certain blockchain based social media platform (that will remain nameless) without disqualifying you from receiving financial rewards.

Advanced Sleemit techniques

In the spirit of Sleemit, you may place an "l" near the beginning of any word that exclusively refers to a certain blockchain based social media platform. The "l" may either replace the second consonant or be placed between the first consonant and the first vowel of each taboo word.

i.e. SLEEM, plower up, Clurie, Nled Slott, etc.

It can also be used to mask controversial, political, or polarizing words.

i.e. fluck, Tlump, fleminism, etc.

If a word already has an "l", then you may drop the "l" instead of adding one, unless dropping the "l" creates an even worse word, in which case you should move the "l" to the spot after the first vowel (and the reverse is also true).

i.e. "flag" becomes "fag" becomes "falg" (or the reverse) "fag" becomes "flag" becomes "falg"

Context will help determine whether "falg" is referring to a homosexual or just general drama on Sleemit.

Closing remarks

I'm thankful for the great work the cluration gluilds are doing on Sleemit and I also understand the people who are speaking against them. I'm not going to take either side because I believe this will all work itself out over time. I'm not "big picture worried" about it. Everyone should just keep doing their best!

...and in the meantime everyone can just use "Sleemit"


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