Kittycash, walking the parallel peer-chain catwalk

Many inhabitants of the cryptoverse are in agreement that we are now officially in the post-bubble phase of the crypto revolution. That seemingly boundless limbo space where the hype has run out of steam, the FOMO lost it's fizzle and shitcoin flash-in-the-pan fortunes dissipated into a never ending flatline.

The Skycoin core team has been speaking about this scenario for years, referring to it as the shakedown. The tipping point where speculative hype is simply not sufficient impetus to drive the value of a coin any longer and investors start looking towards commodity backed tokens which derive value from real world applications. While Skywire is certainly a prime example of such a real world application, the Skycoin Fiber platform, which architecture very elegantly solves Blockchain scalability issues, unlocks the playing field for infinite real world applications to be deployed.


The world of online gaming is highly resonant with the cryptoverse. Gamers are used to online transactions and many games have in-game currencies which have conditioned gamers to the value of goods in a digital ecosystem. Quite a few crypto projects spotted the gap early on and developed blockchain currencies to be used in online games but to the best of the writer's knowledge, none of them actually delivered the holy grail; An actual game developed on a functional blockchain.

The blockchain maxims of transparency and immutability renders it particularly appealing to online gamers for whom these attributes could solve many of the problems they face in their daily gaming such as cheating, proof of ownership of digital goods and conversion of fiat currency to in-game currency. Ethereum based collectibles and games were lauded in the marketing hype as conceptual proof of these problems being solved but, due to the inherent flaws in Ethereum's design, they ran into trouble. Because all Ethereum projects use a single Blockchain, it quickly becomes congested resulting in all Ethereum based projects grinding to a halt while transactions cost a premium.

The Kittycash project is billed as a proof of concept for the future of Blockchain based gaming. A blockchain game developed on Skycoin’s Fiber blockchain, it combines a crypto-collectable and tamagotchi-like game where you can trade, breed, feed, and play mini-games with your Kitties.

At the heart of the gaming experience lies the transaction. Feeding the kitty, purchasing the weapons upgrade or virtual real estate, gamers require transactions to happen in real time or as close to real time as possible so as not to detract from the gaming experience. This is simply not a realistic possibility on Ethereum's Blockchain which is only capable of 30 TPS (Transactions Per Second), especially if we consider that those 30 TPS has to be shared among all the applications on the single Ethereum Blockchain.


Skycoin Fiber uses stranding technology which means that every project, token or application runs on it's own parallel and autonomous blockchain on the network without competing. Each of these strands can currently process 300TPS but this will increase to 3000TPS in future. Now consider that Fiber allows infinite lateral scaling and it should become clear that the transaction throughput required for a seamless Blockchain based gaming experience is a real reality on Skycoin Fiber.

As with all things Crypto though, do your own research. Head on over to Kittycash, download the Kittery wallet and grab a kitty. Kitties have to be fed every few days to make sure they don't wither away and die and can be customized with a wide range of accessories.. Kittycash is currently in Alpha and will be incorporated in a larger ecosystem known as Kittycash World.

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