DIY #18 | How To Remove Dark Spots, Acne Scar & Pigmentation On The Face

Dark spot on the face makes you look dull and bad. I tell you some beneficial tips and tricks how to remove dark spot on the face skin. You can remove by simply with the natural home remedy, they have no side effect. Natural ways can treat your skin naturally and make your face skin glowing and smooth. Here are useful tips you can easily take it over at home for skincare.

what causes dark spots on face?

First of all, I tell you what's the main reason for dark spot appears on your face.

  • Ultraviolet (UV) sunlight rays
  • Overproduction of melanin (skin pigmentation)
  • Hormonal changes
  • Being older than 40 + years old
  • Diet
    The main common reason is sun damage, the mostly dark spot appears due to sun exposure. Sun tanning make your skin dull and cause of dark spots and pigmentation. Yust you have to care most especially skin and neck area from sunlight.
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How to get rid of dark spots on the face?

  • Lemon juice is the natural home remedy to getting rid of the dark spot on the face. Lemon has lactic acid that treats your skin naturally. Simply apply a half lemon juice such as citrus juices are tomato, potato, and pineaple juice. You can add some fruit juice in lemon juice after apply on the affected area.
  • Potato and lemon juice have skin lightening and bleaching properties, that can treat your dark spot easily and beneficial to remove dark spot on the face forever. Combine one tablespoon of lemon juice and potato juice, mix it well after applying with cotton balls. Apply this mixture 20 minutes after wash it off with cold water. Repeat this process 2 to 3 weeks until your dark spot will be removed.
  • Aloe vera is great for your skin, I told you before in the previous article benefits. Aloe vera can also treat your acne and spot on your face. Simply squeeze the gel of aloe vera with your fingers apply it on the face. Leave it 20 minutes after rinsing it off with cool water.
  • Turmeric is a great source contains curcumin, which is a wonderful antioxidant, that treats your dark spot and makes lighten your skin. Take a bowl mix one tablespoon of turmeric, lemon juice, and some milk. Make a thick paste and gently massage 15 minutes on the affected area, after wash it off with cold water. Make sure turmeric can make the skin yellow you can use after cleanser to wipe off any excess on the face. Apply this remedy for few days.
  • Castor Oil is also playing the important role in your face and your eyelashes care. You can also use for removing dark spots on the face. Simply pour 4-5 drops of castor oil with cotton balls, after applying on the face. Leave it one hour after wash it off with water.
  • Sandalwood powder is great for also your dark neck skin. Add some rose water with sandalwood powder, make it paste after apply on your affected area and on the neck skin.
  • Baking soda is a good exfoliating agent, that use in many beauty products. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix it well to make a fine paste, apply this paste on the face dark spot area. Leave it for few minutes after rinsing it off with clean water. Repeat this process daily for getting rid of the dark spot on the face.

Note: Who have sensitive and dry skin then add some water by lessening the quality of lemon juice in this process.


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