5 Beauty Hacks To keep Your Skin Hydrated all the Time in Summer

Today I'm going to share some beauty hacks to keep your skin and body hydrated all the during in summer. In summer season your skin definitely goes to dehydrate and loses moisturizer lever. So you need to takecare most in summer and keep you safe from sun rays. Here some hacks I'm going to share with you, so let's start..


1. Eat Healthy Everyday

Nothing to get a quicker result than something working internally. You need to put inside your body a food data is exceedingly rich Mega 3 Fatty Acid. Your skin contains a certain amount of fat. Good fats are one of the most important for your great skin health. That help to make strong your skin all the time. Mostly in summer water skin to your body and skin, then your skin is a need to more hydrated. Make sure you include some mega sources in your diet:

  • Flaxseeds
  • Walnuts
  • Soybean
  • Fish

2. Load up your Body on Liquid

As you know drinking plenty of water is really helpful to keep your body hydrated. Beside this in summer special drink is fresh coconut water that helps to constantly hydrate your body skin. Coconut has a lot of benefits such as anti-aging properties and has the ability to keep your skin smooth. So this would be cute to drink up it ;-)

3. Lock your Skin in the Moisturizer

Moisturizers and body lotions are the best to use it and apply topically with your hands to all over the skin and body. Use best products of lotions, I recommend NIVEYA Body Lotion that i've use its works awesome. Good one to use it, take some lotion and spreading it all over the body, its gently hydrate the skin.


Besides this Aloe-vera has great for skin this has soothing properties and it helps to treat:

  • Sunburns
  • Rashes
  • Redness
    Aloe vera has so much water that's the perfect solution to promote hydration.

4. Use Toner Everyday

You can create your own hydrating spray at home easily. Simply cut small pieces of cucumber and blend it in a blender. Now squeeze it all juice in a bowl. Add one tablespoon of aloe vera gel in a bowl, put the mixture in your spray bottle and apply everyday on your skin to keep hydrating naturally.


5. Axe the Air-Con

When you come home from outside place, you feel the heat up and your skin completely dehydrated. Then you can drink cold water. AC in your room, it sucks all the moisture out of the skin. So you should massage lotion into your skin before sleeping in AC room. Apply moisturizer in the night time is a great option.

So, yeah these all above simply amazing tricks, make sure to follow these tricks, especially during summer. It's super important to keep your skin smooth, healthy and irritation-free skin. Stay healthy skin all the time.


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