What's wrong with Sammy Sosa?

Greetings to all, one of the challenges of life is to try to be better people as well as to progress financially, spiritually, socially and humanly.

I say the above observing the latest news of Sammy Sosa, a great hitter, charismatic for others and that in my opinion except the baseball of the debacle to star in the famous battle of Homeowners with Mark Mcgwire.

In my opinion, she has lost her humility, she seems more interested in being an unattainable and ostentatious diva, which clouds everything good that she has done in her career, as well as the grotesque change in her skin that according to several interviews she attributes to a "cream " He looks like an old and newly dressed transvestite, wanting to look like a lady.

It's sad in my opinion, even if he says he has so much money that he does not care about the opinion of others, judge for yourselves.


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