Here at MaxiGlam, we adore this time of year. To us, the colder days and darker nights mean snuggling up in jumpers, accessorising our makeup looks with rich red lips, and evenings spent in fairy light lit alcoves, with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. It’s the time for Christmas markets, bonfires, and being with the ones you love, and there’s little not to like about that.

However, it turns out that our hair is not quite so enamoured with the season. With cold, wet weather, centrally heated homes, and plenty of wind to play havoc with your locks, here’s how to keep them looking as winter chic as the rest of you in three simple steps…

  1. Stay hydrated

One problem that lots of people have at this time of year is a dry, flaky scalp. This is caused by the constant temperature fluctuations between the cold weather outdoors and centrally heated interiors, so be sure to use a moisturising shampoo, maybe even one that’s anti-dandruff. You can help to re-hydrate your skin from the inside too by drinking plenty of water.

  1. Keep the temperature cool

At this time of year, it’s really tempting to turn the temperature up when washing your hair, but try to avoid this if you can. Very hot water can cause damage, dehydrating the delicate skin on your scalp and drying out your hair as well. If it’s already a little too late for our words of wisdom, don’t fret: keep an eye out for suitable hair treatments to moisturise your skin and locks, and make sure the temperature is no more than cool or lukewarm for washing thereafter.

  1. Don’t leave the house with wet hair

We’ve all been guilty of it at one point or another: going out with still wet hair because we’re in a rush. But winter really isn’t the right time for doing this. Aside from the fact that a cold, dripping mane will make you very chilly, your hair will be far more prone to breakages and split ends if you leave the house this way. Spend some extra time blow-drying it with cool air or letting it dry naturally before you head out of the door to keep it in tip-top condition.

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