[FA/ENG] I won a small sketching competition!

The scarf and Sirus sketching story

داستان طراحی از سیروس گرجستانی و روسری

Jan 2021 | Sirjan, Iran | Photo by : Nima Jahanshahi

I don't like competitions specially the instagramish ones which as a competitor you beg your followers to vote you. But this time I participated and won a scarf, of course without begging!

اهل مسابقه نیستم، مخصوصاً مسابقات اینستاگرامی که مسابقه‌دهنده میره به فالوورهاش التماس می‌کنه که تورو خدا برید به من رأی بدین تا برنده بشم. اما این دفعه مسابقه دادم و یه روسری برنده شدم، البته بدون التماس!

I was checking my Instagram some months ago. I figured out there's a sketching competition made by Shams Gallery. Artists were asked to draw Sirus Gorjestani, Iranian actor, who was recently died. The photo was given and the material was determined to be charcoal pencil. It was mentioned that Shams gallery's followers will vote first and finally a pro artist would choose the best sketch. 1st prize winner was a scarf.

یک روز که اینستاگرامم رو چک می‌کردم دیدم که گالری شمس یه مسابقه طراحی گذاشته. باید یه پرتره از سیروس گرجستانی که به تازگی فوت شده بود می‌کشیدیم. در دو مرحله آثار بررسی شد. مرحله اول طبق رای مخطبین پیج گالری شمس و مرحله دوم یه کارشناس نفر اول رو از بین سه طرح انتخاب کرد. جایزه نفر اول یه روسری بود.

The given photo of Sirus Gorjestani

Now here you are, see the process.

خب دیگه، این شما و این پروسه طراحی

Final sketch

58 people voted my sketch

1st prize winner arrived

Now you can get back to the first image of this post to find the scarf.

حالا وقتشه برگردید به تصویر اول این پست تا روسری رو یه باردیگه ببینید

I was under pressure of posting by @mamalikh13 . Thanks bro

Peace <3

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