Trans man Wants Other people to pay $7000 for Surgery Because he Doesn't Feel Like Talking to Insurance

"Though this surgery is covered hypothetically, the co-insurance that I need to pay is unclear, so I have chosen to go the cosmetic route and pay for it directly."...and by that he means that he wants other people to pay for it directly.

This person recently posted on Facebook that they are transgender and identify as a man. Because of this, they want to get surgery to appear more masculine. In this case they are only talking about "top surgery" so far - ie removing breast tissue.

I'm fine with all of that, but what gets me is the shocking quote I posted above. Especially note that it is says "the co-insurance that I need to pay is unclear", which implies that he didn't even bother putting in the effort to find out a cost for sure. If you look at the GoFundMe page as a whole (link: ) you'll see that he actually has health insurance, thanks to his parents. This health insurance should cover this surgery, presumably because this person has seen a doctor and is diagnosed with gender dysphoria, making this a medical treatment. However, this person is unsure of how much they would have to pay out of pocket, and so they just decided to get other people to pay for THE ENTIRE COST!

Presumably the insurance coverage would cover most of the cost - estimated at nearly $7,000. Even if insurance only covered half of that, that would save nearly $3,500. How lazy do you have to be to not call your insurance, negotiate with them, and get some kind of promise in writing, when that could be worth thousands of dollars? Why the hell should his friends bail him out for the costs of this procedure when he is too lazy to even find out how much his insurance would cover?

They also try to say that they don't want to put this cost on their parents, which makes no sense at all because they don't even know how much the insurance might cover. On top of that, this person is 20 years old. Even though it is their parent's insurance, the person getting the treatment still has to pay the out-of-pocket portion, not the parents.

In something that I am sure will surprise nobody, this person is a huge SJW. They frequently post things online criticizing men, white people in general, accusing people of being privileged, and supporting Anarcho-Communists, as well as the usual ultra-SJW pro-censorship type of rhetoric. They are also fans of SCP, and I would assume the ultra-SJW faction of that community.

I've got no problems with transgender people as people, but this particular transgender person is a lazy asshole.

At first it took me a while to figure out why this bothered me as much as it did. Don't get me wrong, I didn't spend a lot of time stewing over it, but I did feel like it was worth analyzing enough to write this post. After a few minutes I put my finger on what the issue is.

To me, this is a class issue. I'm from a working class background. There have been times in my life when I could barely pay rent, had to go hungry so that I had enough money for other things I needed, had to eat extremely cheap food, and once when I had to scrounge every last coin I had in my apartment and in order to be able to buy enough gas to get home for a holiday. (I got home with about half a gallon of gas left).

When you've been in that spot financially, it is jaw-dropping to see somebody so selfish and wasteful that they just don't bother to negotiate and properly understand their insurance and instead ask for other people to just throw their money away. So far this person has only got $100, but that still shocks me. Some idiot really gave them $100 when they wont even put in the basic effort to reduce their costs as much as possible. It is just insulting and irresponsible from the point of view of anybody who has really financially struggled in their lives. I can't imagine how this must seem to somebody who grew up in poverty.

This is privileged first-world thinking at its worst. Imagine what else that $100 could have gone to instead. God forbid he actually raises thousands of dollars for this. Even in my worst times I never made a GoFundMe, but if I had, it would have been for food, gas, and rent. Bare necessities. And I would have made absolutely sure to reduce my costs as much as possible first. He didn't even try.

I'm posting this here because I haven't posted enough recently (sorry fans, thanks for continuing to follow), and because this type of entitled self-obsessed selfishness is all too common among SJWs, and should be called out. They way this situation should have been handled was with emails and phonecalls to the insurance company to find out exactly how much money he would need to pay for surgery. Not throwing up his hands and saying "oh well, I'm not sure, and I don't feel like putting in the time to find out, so let me just bother other people and ask them to pay for it instead! :) "

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