SJW Makes Light of Men Being Abused, Assaulted

The part of this that bothers me isn't even so much that this was posted, but that so many people actually liked it. Imagine for a second that this was about a woman being assaulted and a guy said "Well, I'm rooting for the guy because I know a man doesn't hit a woman until she gives him a good reason". NOBODY would defend that.

There already are hardly any shelters or support services for men who have been abused or are victims of domestic assault in this country (or really any country). We don't need to keep assuming that no woman could ever possibly be evil or that no woman could ever possibly be abusive. This is just absurd, but it really pushes an a toxic and harmful narrative. The MRA movement has some issues, but this type of thing is exactly why they exist.

For what it's worth, the poster is an SJW who fancies themselves very feminist based on a quick glance over their twitter.
What level of self-loathing is required for a man to post something like this?
The Twitter in question:

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