Greetings beloved community of the SteemChurch!

Someone said: 'A poor man with many responsibilities must work hard to raise his family'

A little adjusted my time, 12 hours of daily work in the oil industry, custodian of a mother with a lethal disease, with a small family who have desire to excel and work on it.

Well, what else can I say? but rather to thank God for all his blessings in my life, family and friends!

There is always time for good friends, good times and bad times.

My complacency for a good friend here in Steem, I call him: Man of Steel with Heart of Meat, He is SIRKNIGNT.


I always use to give a biblical word to my friends in their anniversaries of life, wedding, achievements, etc.

For @sirknight:

And the angel of Jehovah came again the second time, and touched him, saying, Rise and eat, for it is a long way off. He got up, then, and ate and drank; and fortified with that food, he walked forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mountain of God.
1 Kings 19: 7-8

When the Prophet Elijah thought that his mission was over: God exhorted him by telling him the previous verse.

Similarly, today I say to the legendary Steem:

"Your career is not over, this is just the beginning, you have a long way to go, Steem without you, it would not be so nice, God bless you Sirknight"

Your friend:

If you had to tell Sirknight something in his day, what would you say?

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