A scientist says singularity will happen by 2031.... thoughts?


They say the singularity could happen by 2031 if not sooner. What if it already has though and they just haven't told us?
Look how long we had the stealth bomber before we actually knew about it.
They don't tell us everything and say it's for our own good. But is it? Perhaps we could be further advanced as a society, culture, people and everything else if there was actually transparency.
They claim to work for us, but do they? Consider it. How many people are actually in each state? How many people are ruling in each state?
They give us the illusion of choice with voting, yet our elections can and have been hacked. Even if they weren't there are electoral states which means although each person in each state votes it does not actually count unless you live in an electoral state.
Yes you choose your mayor and other officials but they tend to make a platform to be elected based off certain policies then don't actually enact those policies when they do become elected.
I personally believe the singularity has already happened, they just don't want us to know.
We are a hostile race. Why? What does that accomplish? If we spent less time fighting and battling, being jealous of what others have and worry more about ourselves and creating our own happiness, building on what we thrive at and know best while learning new things.... imagine where we could be now.
Watch bicentennial man the movie, if you haven't already. It makes you think.
When people began seeing UFOs in the skies they told them they were crazy and started using methods to discredit them. What if they do the same with movies? Hide advancements in certain movies so if someone does have something happen and says something about it, nobody believes them and thinks it's because of a movie they made comical.
Trust is given too freely in our society when it shouldn't be. We offer them complete transparency when they offer us bits of what they want us to know about.

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