Worship: Singing

We are made to worship—I mean every one of us. Imagine the things that He had done and is doing for us. I do believe with all my heart that our God is doing things in our lives that we don’t even notice. The protection, the people, the favors, the blessings, the teachings, the disciplines, the growth and never forget about the salvation. The everlasting life waiting for us after this earthly lifetime.

Music is one way of worship that we can offer God. Singing your heart out with songs that is directed about HIM—HIS ways and HIS magnificence. Thinking and reminiscing about HIS love for you and I.

Worship should be done for our own good because we tend to forget HIS goodness and HIS presence. I personally can say that whenever I am too preoccupied with life, I tend to forget about the God who have brought me where, who and what I am now. Since music is a thing that everybody can relate to and can be done pretty much everywhere is a good way for us to have a moment with Jesus. The most important thing is the motivation of our heart to just give praise, honor and worship to our GOD. It doesn’t matter if you have a good singing voice or know the lyrics of any song from beginning to end—it’s all about the heart. The heart that seeks HIM.

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