I’ve always been a simple guy with simple needs. The basics actually appeal to me; peace of mind, good food and very importantly, friends that I can trust. The last part cannot be understated. The World is not becoming a global village, it already is. We’re not moving into the information age, we’re already there but just like every system that evolves, there’s always going to be niggling downsides. As the days go by, there seems to be ever changing ideals, new forms of communication and with that, new ways in which humans can help as well as hurt each other. Improving communication via the creation of different platforms stood as the solution to one problem, sadly, a new form of problem emerged from the activities of dubious humans.

The issue of counterfeits has been prevalent in the society for a long time. Merriam-webster defines counterfeit as “made to look like an exact copy of something in order to trick people”. Well thatsounds harmless enough, if only it was just to “trick people”. How about you read, “in order to rob people of their honest living”. As far as I’m concerned, counterfeiting is equivalent to stealing, pilfering, robbery or any name you know it by. punishable by law in virtually every country.

When I encountered simplybrand, I was instantly drawn to the premise at the header of the page and I thought, “well there it is, the crypto universe finally have batman”. The mix of Blockchain and AI got me excited. If there’s one thing about transactions in the crypto universe, its that its mostly dependent on trust. I see the platform as a champion of decentralization and is already making progress and taking the right steps in becoming a staple in our lives.

If you made it this far then I’m pretty sure you’re interested in how Crypto Batman does it. Well, like I said, simplyBrand was built to create a new world for digital commerce wherein brands and

consumers are protected from the damaging and lethal effects of counterfeit goods. For the past several years, simplyBrand has united technology with business to help brands protect themselves and their images. How it works is by establishing an organic platform which will

combine blockchain, AI and crowdsourced participants working together.

The most hurt people are the common man and what simplyBrand offers is an opportunity for the common man to work with them under incentivized conditions(other than the incentive of sending the fakes to Arkham). The simplyBrand platform will combine AI, human ingenuity and blockchain technology which will be used to create an immutable “blacklist” of counterfeit product vendors available for the world to see, while the tokens within the blockchain will incentivize crowdsourced participants to utilize the simplyBrand platform.

The procedure will include three distinct activities to curb the activities of counterfeits:

  1. Identification

  2. Verification

  3. Enforcement

Identification: various e-commerce platforms will be registered on the platform with their data and millions of services and people using their service.

Verification: the information will be verified using AI, Natural language, Semantics analysis, image recognition technology and crowd sourcing to verify the validity of a product.

Enforcement: After a product has been determined to be counterfeit, the particular culprit is *paraded* for necessary enforcement bodies and the public to see, thereby creating a safer environment for transaction.

Benefits of Joining Simply Brand

· Brand Protection: Joining the platform ensures that counterfeiters are exposed and the integrity of the “original” is retained

· Crowd Sourced Participation: users of the platform will be tasked with providing the relevant information needed for facilitating the verification process. Within the ecosystem, participants will be shown product pages and verify if they are counterfeit or not, helping to improve AI accuracy.

· Enforcement Agencies: Enforcement agencies that are created for curbing the activities of counterfeiters will also partake in the platform. These agencies benefit by joining the ecosystem and working within the platform, they will have access to a large amount

of counterfeit product info instead of having to find it manually, allowing them to increase their earning potential and prove their effectiveness to brands and potential new clients.

Third Parties: The platform will also be available to a variety of third party organizations, including legal firms and other organizations that wish to do business with brands and/or participate in the ecosystem. These organisations benefit from the widening of the scope as they encounter new a new set of individuals.

So there we have it, I just gave you a million reasons to jump into the simplybrand train but how can I end without informing you about the Tokens for sale. How about you go check it out now and be a part of Batman, I would.

please don't forget to partake in the token sale, you can find the information


This is not financial advice, anyone interested in investing in crypto should do their own personal research. This blog post is done for entertainment and knowledge purpose only. Viewers discretion is advised

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