A cute story for @simonleach

Simon, first I want to preface this with, "I am NOT stalking you", LOL

If you recall you had posted a video in which you stated you were in Barryville, NY and it really peaked my interest because my Parker ancestors are from Barryville and Eldred, NY in Sullivan County and I am very familiar with the area. In the video you mentioned a couple of times about how noisy the river was. So, I assumed (wrongfully) that you meant the Delaware River.

Curiosity got the better of me and I went to you tube and started searching through your videos trying to get more clues as to where you were in Barryville to hear the river that loudly. The locations would have to be limited because the river is usually pretty calm around Barryville and would not make as much noise as we could hear in the videos. Then there were the woods to consider. As I recall most of the area on the River Rd are not really wooded. Hmm, possibly the Tow Rd? Back to searching your videos for more clues. Honestly, I am not stalking you, LOL.

Eureka!! I found a video last night where you were putting out a chalkboard sign advertising your kiln opening. You drove to the corner of Old Brook Rd and Rt 55. I know exactly where you were!! And you were not on a river, but on Halfway Brook!!

Eldred was originally known by Halfway Brook Village before it was named Eldred.

Anyway, here is the cute part, LOL. When I was a kid and we visited the old family homestead in Eldred, on Crawford Rd. There was a brook that ran down through the property and eventually ran into Halfway Brook. Typically after we left visiting in Eldred we went down to Barryville to visit my Uncle John and Aunt Ann. My father would drive down Rt 55. I, on the other hand, young little "tom-boy" that I was would take off running through the woods following the brook, to halfway brook, to Old Brook Rd. and would meet my parents at the precise corner where you put your sign out!!

My mother would be furious but my father would just laugh and marvel at how I always managed to be standing there waiting for them when they drove down the road to pick me up. When I told you in a comment one time that I used to know the woods between Eldred and Barryville really well, I wasn't kidding, LOL.

I thought you and perhaps some of my readers would get a bit of a kick out of this story. My Parker family history goes back to at least the early 1840s in Sullivan County and possibly even earlier.

Hope you enjoyed the story @simonleach!!


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