Similarity is Not Yet Unity


Things look similar and matching, however, this doesn't last longer. As time goes by, the similarity fades and differences start arising and being noticed. Yet, many people think that similarity is unity!

What is similarity?

Things that look alike outwardly is similarity. They may or may not have the same base or cornerstone. For example: People with same religion, height, mind, country, gender and a lot more. Most commonly, people find comfort with similarity not knowing that it is only for a limited time.

No two couples are same or with same mindset and no two people in the world are exactly same. I have observed almost all couples, husband-wife and other such close relationships in constant fights. They fight and then re-unite and then they call it 'love'.

However, in true sense, love has no fights, not even to think about it. Love is not based on similarity, it is based on unity. One is united only by purity in thinking, otherwise, there is no unity at all.

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That's why people form groups and teams, though all separated, but, what is separated is not yet united. The world has different religions and they form small groups differentiating from one another. Thus, non of those are yet united because unity is global and not partial.

Similarity is still partial and does not have the fullness of unity. Unity is global and is ONE. Unity has ONENESS! What is ONE can never be separated. Thus, unity has no separation at all. Though similarity is always separated by superficial aspects, unity is spiritual and godly.

What is spirituality?

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Since unity is spiritual, we need to KNOW and UNDERSTAND spirituality. What is of the spirit of God and His Grace is spirituality. Now, does God really exists? The answer for this is to be explored more than believed in. Spirituality will show it's united results and then shall the existence of God be proved. This means that we 'taste' God and His power of unity, more than believing it blindly.

Why is Spirituality not Similar but United?

Spirit of God is ONE and has ONENESS, while, the human soul has various colours. Thus, we may find soul behaving in temporary unity at one moment and then fighting with the same person at the other moment. Soul is not free and hence has not yet know FREEDOM. Spirit of God is FREE and that too in true sense.

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Let's Conclude!

What is the conclusion then? While this is my first post on Steemit and we have a long way to go and learn about God and His Grace, the conclusion is completely left upto the reader, means YOU! The freedom is YOURS! So, you choose between similarity and unity and that too with proper understanding.

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