I'd vote for @trumpman any day!


My Hive silver sugar daddy strikes again 😍🥰🎉

#shitcoin whale @trumpman is really a nice guy, he had @silversaver888 send one of her 2024 Hive ovals to me and I love it.

Thanks @trumpman!!

This thing is real nice, I love the smooshed oval and the mirror finish quite a bit.

This was designed by @silversaver888 and she was selling them recently. Contact her to see if there are anymore available, I highly recommend it.

He even included a personalized note that silversaver had to write 😬😆🤗


You're a good sport @silversaver888 🤗

The mirror finish makes these impossible to photograph well.


I can just picture this thing going through the roller and getting squished.

Now for an update on this post.

...the post where I broke up a one ounce round that was marked in four equal sections. I offered them for sale below spot price with one caveat...

Well, only one of the four followed that single rule, the other three tried to hoard like hoarding hoarders! Nice work xD

Just mailed the four pieces to the four corners of #flatearth


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