Happy Mother’s Day….. To all the moms out there

Afternoon everyone….

There is no one in the world more important than your mom…..

Without your mom you would not be here on this earth. She carried you inside her body for nine months, and most likely painful pushed you out of her body. I know some woman have C-sections but most didn’t up until recently.

She cooked and cleaned for you for many years, among many other things….

Some of you might be fortunate enough to still have both your parents, which is fantastic. But as you get older, so do your parents.

Which is even more of a reason to cherish the time that you still have with either or both if as I said you are fortunate to still have. My mom turned 81 in January. She’s got some health issues, her legs have been giving her a lot of problems for nearly a year now. She still gets around but it’s way more of a chore now.

So celebrate you mother today!!!!

The other day on our way home from the casino. We stopped at the Pocono Cheesecake Factory. They have hands down the best cheesecakes I’ve ever eaten. They do not have a crust at all, they are 100% cheesecake. They make any variety you’d like, to order. But they always have a dozen or so varieties ready in store at all times.

My mom loves cherry topped cheesecake. So we stopped there to buy my mom one for Mother’s Day.

Here is the cheesecake…

Here is the place as well….

Mom said no flowers…. But I had to get her flowers. She loves sunflowers and I had my local place make up a beautiful arrangement for her.

She also received a card from me as well. Which I will not be sharing.

I am also making dinner for her as well. Her favorite dish is chicken parmigiana with penne in vodka sauce. I’m just starting the vodka sauce now so no pictures to share of this yet. I add some fresh ricotta cheese at the very end after the pasta is done and pour the vodka sauce over it.

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