Happy Labor Day…..which marks the end of summer….😪

Afternoon everyone….

Time is just flying by, it seems like the summer just started. But yet we are now at Labor Day.

It’s been a really packed summer for me, with the shop build starting the beginning of May and just ending the beginning of August.

I guess when you are working fourteen to sixteen hours a day all summer, the days kinda fly by. While it was all necessary in order for me to come up with the payments for the shop build. There are still so many things that have to be done inside the new shop, before it becomes functional.

Because the town would only approve it as a detached garage, I was only able to put one 20 amp breaker inside it to the specs of the town. I did have the electrician run a 100 amp panel, but only one 20 amp breaker was approved at the start.

So now I have to have my electrician come in and run me power where I need it.

There is also the split heating/air conditioning unit that still needs to be installed. My plumber is away on a vacation right now for the next few weeks, so that will be done soon.

I also have no storage built yet for the new shop. Nothing but tools are going from my old shop to the new shop. So it’s going to take some time in between jobs to make it happen.

I am very happy to have the new shop. It’s going to be great. But it’s going to be a work in progress for quite some time.

On a different note….

Happy Labor Day to all those that get their hands dirty for a living!!!!


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