We will Ship, Staggering Amounts of Gold Coins...

I just noticed my New "Worker Bee" Hive Badge, so I'm adding it to my Dried Clumps of Gold Dust...

You'd be amazed, looking at my Clumps of Gold Dust out in the Sun Light...

Notice the Gold Dust that's been building up, around the outer edge of the Plastic Capsule...

The Gold Dust is tiny, tiny, tiny...

So tiny, that there's probably Billions of them, just around the outer edge...

They were being held Captive, in a Heavy Brown Rock I picked up...

Awesome Discovery...10.jpg

You can tell I wasn't prepared for what was released from the Heavy Brown Rock...

Using a Coffee Filter to capture the Gold Dust was all I had handy...

I'll soon be turning my Dried Clumps of Gold Dust into U.S. Gold Coinage, that will have $10, $20, $50 and $100 Face Values...

Naturally, "Collector" U.S. Gold Coinage will have Premiums attached, which will be above and beyond their Face Values...

The United States Treasury will soon be Shipping "Staggering" amounts of "Circulating" U.S. Gold Coins, all over the World...

We all know the Central Bank Owners have been buying and storing plenty of Gold Bars...

All those Gold Bars will "soon" be "Flooding" into the United States Treasury from all over the World...

We will be turning the Gold Bars into U.S. Gold Coins and shipping them back...

The Banks will have the "choice" of receiving $90 in Electronic Coinage or $90 in Gold Coins, for every Ounce of Gold received by the U.S. Treasury...

They may choose a combination of Electronic Coinage and Gold Coins...

Gold will be the only way for the Banks to get their hands on "New" Electronic Coinage...

I figure, there will be a Huge Demand for U.S. Electronic Coinage, since it will be 100% backed by "Circulating" and "Collector" Gold Coins...

Collector Gold Coins will always have Premiums attached to their Face Values...

Only the Face Values of our "New" Gold Coins will be used to Create Electronic Coinage...

The existing Weights of our "Old" Gold and Gold Bullion Coins will go towards backing our "Existing" Electronic Coinage, which will be used to "Jump Start" our Electronic Monetary System...

I have to believe we already have enough "Existing" Electronic Coinage "standing by" for instant Activation of the Quantum (Electronic) Financial System...

Surely, there are smarter people than me, who have this all figured out...

I'm sure they have it all figured out, since I've been getting clues that they do...

I think we're closer than ever right now...

I've always felt close, since everything that ever happens, does so in the Present...

I was made aware of the Present, many Decades ago...

This is where it's at Folks...


We the People, will be shipping "Staggering" amounts of our New "Circulating" Silver Coins, all over the World...

Here in the United States of a Sovereign People, our Silver Coins, along with our "Collector Platinum and Palladium" Coins, will be used to back our Paper Coinage and Common Coinage, which will be used along with our Electronic Coinage...

We the People, own the Rights to all U.S. Coinage...

It all seems so Simple to me, that I have to believe I'm right about what's heading our way...

I'd hate to imagine what would happen if I'm wrong about everything...

I have many good reasons to believe, everything I write is heading our way...

How else would "We the People" be able to "Make America Great Again"...??


People get ready, for the Train is racing towards us...

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