Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

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As I'm sure you all know by now, the Days of Fiat Dollars will soon be coming to an end...

In my opinion, there is "less" than 1% Spending Power remaining is every Fiat Dollar...

What's important to know, is that there has been a Plan in Place for many Decades now...

It was necessary to remove our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins, because we made a huge mistake, and set their Face Values too low...

Step one was to remove our Silver and Gold Coins from Circulation...

Step two was to Mint staggering amounts of Clad Coinage, starting in 1965,,,

Trust me when I write that there is no National Coin Shortage, unless people are referring to our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coinage...

We have Staggering amounts of Clad Coinage that will soon be coming into play...

Our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, with their Corrected Weights and Face Value Measurements will soon become a Reality...

My "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction calls for Staggering amounts of "Circulating" silver and Gold Coins...

Trust me when I write that "We the People" have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold, just standing by to Jump Start our new and improved Monetary System...

No, I will no longer write where all this Silver and Gold is located, but it can be verified...

No, it's not being stored at Fort Knox or any other obvious place, but it's 100% available to us, when the Reset is announced...

When I staggering amounts, I mean staggering amounts...

The New U.S. Monetary System can be Activated at the Drop of a Hat...

There will be no need to Barter unless you're in some remote area with little or no Common U.S. Coinage...

It's not for me to reveal where we have all this Silver and Gold stored, but we have it without any doubt...

It will all become very obvious to everyone, once the Plan is Revealed...

The only reason I was able to figure it all out, is because of my Wild imagination...

One one told me, but it did become very obvious to me...

No, I never had any insider information to work with...

In order to make the Plan work, Congress has the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value there of, which can be found in the U.S. Constitution in Article 1, Section 8...

We're about to enter a Period of Prosperity, that will be totally awesome...

Yes, there are ways to prepare for what's heading our way...

I figure the best way to prepare is to get my hands on our Common U.S. Coinage, since it will be used to "make change" for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

People really need to stop listening to people who don't have a clue abut what's heading our way...

According to my Calculations, we should have a very Smooth Transition into the New Monetary System...

More than likely, it will lead to a World Wide Monetary Correction...

There's not a single Financial Guru that I'm aware of that ever mentions how important our Common U.S. Coinage will become on the other side of the Reset...

It's very obvious to me, which is not the case with anyone else I can think of...

Sure, some of my readers know and perhaps a few of the people they may have told, but it's not very obvious to the average person...

What did you think we were going to use to "make change" for our New Product Line of Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...???

In addition to our Common U.S. Coinage, I have good reason to believe we will be adding Paper Coinage and Electronic Coinage, to help make change for our New Product Line of Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

I'm sure many people will prefer using our Electronic Coinage...

I'll be using Electronic Coinage to Pay my Bills, but I like spending Physical Money, due to its Privacy Factor...

No one needs to know what I'm spending my Money on...

If I sparked your interest in the coming U.S. Monetary Correction, I'm sure I have more than a thousand Blogs on the Topic, so feel free...

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Let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Reset...

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