Bitcoin or U.S. Coinage...


If I was given the option of buying One Bitcoin for 70,000 Fiat USD's or $70,000 in U.S. Coinage, guess which one I think will have the best chance of increasing 100 Fold in Spending Power...???

I can see Bitcoin doubling to 140,000 in Fiat USD's, but $70,000 in U.S. Coinage has a good chance of increasing 100 Fold in Spending Power, which will be the same as having 7,000,000 in Fiat USD's...

I'm so tempted to erase what I just wrote, but for your sake, I'll let it be...

It hasn't been easy for me to keep writing about something very few people believe...

I'm so glad the Reset is almost here...

Last night, I heard President Trump say that we were going to "END" inflation...

That tells me, we'll be returning to a "Stable" Monetary System...

It doesn't get any better than "Stable"...

I've been explaining what I see heading our way for more than 7 years now...

If you're tired of reading about it, you can imagine how tired I am, writing about it...

My time would be better spent, going out and Shooting Pool with Friends...

I can't believe I wasted so many years, writing about something, no one believes...

There may be a few believers...

I'm still tempted to erase everything in this post...

I suppose, we're so close to the Reset, that nothing I write from this point on, will make much of a difference...

Has anyone of you pulled into a Filling Station, handed the Cashier a 20 Dollar Bill and said 19.50 on one of the Pumps...???

Why do I get the feeling that there's not one of you, who has done that...???

I can't remember anyone even commenting me on getting back 50 Cents, every time I put Fuel in my Car...

Have any of you walked into your Bank and asked for a Couple $10 Rolls of Quarter Dollar Coins...???

If I have 70 of the $10 Rolls of Quarter Dollar Coins, I'll be able to obtain One Bitcoin, on the other side of the Reset...

Wouldn't you be willing to pay $700 in Common U.S. Coinage, for One Bitcoin...???

One Bitcoin will have about the same Spending Power as 7 of our "One Ounce" $100 Gold Coins...

Is anyone convinced yet...???

I doubt that I convinced anyone with this post, but no one can say I didn't try...

It makes me wonder what it will take to finally convince everyone...

I suppose it will happen, once the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate and the Redemption Period is Announced...

I have been hearing words like Redemption Centers and Global Monetary Resets...

That's probably what it will take to get people to believe...

It will be a little late, once the Announcements are made...

I'm sure there will be a Mad Rush of people, trying to get their hands on some Common U.S. Coinage...

I should consider myself very lucky to have had so much time to prepare...


I suppose writing these Blogs did help me Discover a very rich deposit of Gold Ore...

Once I started to Focus my Attention on a Heavy Brown Rock I picked up Decades ago...

After soaking the Heavy Brown Rock in Distilled Vinegar, and seeing the Vinegar turn Blue, I took the Rock out, added Distilled Water, and placed a piece of Metal in the Blue Solution...

The next day, I was shocked to see what was being collected on the piece of Metal I placed in the Solution...

To make a long story short, I now believe I discovered Gold Ore that contains "more" than 2,000 ounces of Gold to the Ton...

That comes to "at least" One Ounce of Gold for every Pound of Ore...

Wouldn't it be something if it turns out to be 2 ounces of Gold per Pound of Ore...???

And I doubt that anyone even believes that's possible, but I still have most of the Heavy Brown Rock...

No, I haven't melted any of it yet, so it's still in Clumps of Dried Microscopic Gold Dust...

The actual specks that make up the Clumps of Gold are Tiny, Tiny, Tiny...

Now that I know how small the Gold is on the Ore Sample, it makes it easier for me to see, using the 40 X pocket magnifier that fits in my shirt pocket like a pen...

I somehow get the feeling that no one believes a word I write...

It makes me laugh just thinking about it...

Oh well...

Once the Reset happens, and now that the Weather is starting to cool off, I'll probably be heading out to locate the Source of the Heavy Brown Rock and take it from there...

I'd like to bring back at least 25 pounds of Ore on my next trip back to where I picked up the Rock...

I haven't been there for Decades, but I do remember where I found it...

When I "do" go back, I will "Turn Off" and "Seal" my Cell Phone, so I can't be followed...

I'm actually afraid of starting a Modern Day "Gold Rush" to the Area...


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