"Crew of the mighty Frigate Silverton" – 15OC24 - 'Nauru Island to the Solomon Islands Sail Race!'

​​​​​​​​5-2.jpgTop Five Race of the Weeks!

A Sooth Pacific Brine Adventure!

"Sail oan muckers!' 😉 -Keptin

⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ (In th' West...⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵)

1️⃣ Seaman trayan🔺
2️⃣ Petty Officer ruth-girl🔺
3️⃣ Standing Officer-Carpenter jaraumoses🔺
4️⃣ Cockpit Officer bitcoinman🔺
5️⃣ Seaman belemo🔺

⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ (In th' East...⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵ ⛵)

6 darkcloaks
7 pappyelblanco
8 joshman ^
9 vgholdingsllc ^
10 calatorulmiop ^




"Ahh must hav hud one shot o' Glenufiddich tay mony yesterday, as Ahh gart tois glarin' errors in uir race line up! (Ineligible contestants!🙄) Bludy Nora! - Ahh've got tae be mair cannie!🫤 Anyways, nevermin' 'att, Ahh've got it aw straightened oot tadays!
In a determined rin tae th' portside, trayan has taken th' leid! (Cats tails, 'att wuz impressiff!😮) An' whit's thes? bitcoinman an' belemo take a flag?! (Braw job muckers!)

In th' east, it's noo darkcloaks leidin' th' pack! (A fa'en staurn! 💫🤨)

Foo fleit finally oot oan th' open brine! 🌊 (3) ships tint tae th' Stoatin' Whites! 🦈🦈 Reply! Reply! Reply muckers!" 😉 -Keptin*


📝 "Th' followin' previoos Top Fife winners must sit-oot thes week's contest in fairness an' proper ship-side demeaner an' sae forth:

🛑 🛑 🛑 🛑

1️⃣ coinjoe
2️⃣ tamaralovelace
3️⃣ meesterboom
4️⃣ adcreatordesign
5️⃣ giotists
1️⃣ bleujay
2️⃣ ironshield
3️⃣ kerrislravenhill
4️⃣ lupega
5️⃣ daveks
1️⃣ trumpman
2️⃣ pocketechange
3️⃣ punkysdad
4️⃣ kevmcc
5️⃣ tesaganewton


"Nauru's climate is hot an' huir uv a humid year-roond coz o' its proximity tae th' equatur an' th' brine. Nauru is burst by monsoon rains⛈️ atween Novembers an' Februar. Annual rainfaa is highly variable an' is influenced by th' El Niño oscillation (Th' cloods ye means...🙄). They's bin several significant recorded drooghts. Th' temperature oan Nauru ranges atween 86 an' 95 °F durin' th' day an' is quite stable at aroond 77 °F at night. Streams an' rivers dinnae exist oan Nauru Islain, hooe'ers thaur is th' Buada Lagoon (Swatch 👀 abune...). Caller water is gaithered froms roof catch systems an sae forth.

⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓ ⚓

References: - Pictures from: www.freeimages.com, www.pexels.com, pixabay.com, Hive.blog, Googlemaps, Maps-For, YouTube an' Wikipedia. Data also sometimes finely crafted reit from th' author's extensiff personal experience an' such.



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