Sparta , Thracian helmets on coins explained

Hi Stackers,

Although I never bought a greek coin I do love the ones with the helmets. And there are more names for these as you nowadys here Spartan, Corinthean, Thracian or even Troy helmet.

So this post is a search for which helmet is exactly what.

The city of Sparta was on mainland Greece. (A city with the name Isparta is in nowadays Turkiye.) Sparta existed 900 BC till the ROman times. Famous are the battles with Xerxes of Persia. The Spartans were known for good bronze weapons and their phalanx battle formation.
Not a lot is written down (Aristotelus wrote about Sparta as military kind of organization) so most of the stories are legends and might be exagerated a little.

The statue found is called Leonidas (to the Spartan King) and it is wearing a Corinthean helmet.

(5 BC)


This was a kingdom in the Roman period in what we now call Balkan. Bulgaria North East Greece/Rumania and Turkiye bordering the black see.
Before the roman period the area of Thrace was part of the Odrysian Empire.

The helmet below is of that period. 4th centrury BC

When you compare you'll see that the Thrace helemt has metal over the nose whereas the Corinthean has not. The side pieces are similar.



Troy did exist in nowadays Turkiye but was mainly described in the Iliad an old Greek epos. Dating ack to 1200 BC.
I say described but latest view is that is was always an oral poem. Yes they had storytellers that could remember all verses etc.

Troy modern made helmets copies are sold and used in movies as copies of the so called hoplite (or warrior) helmets used in all of Greece in that period.


Corinthians (as in the Bible letters of Paul to the Corinthians)

Corinth was north east of Sparta and coins with the same helmets are plenty:


Summarizing this non scientific research.

Greek helmets from the period 900-300 BC and beyond maybe were called Corinthean helmets and were used by soc called 'hoplites' or citizen warriors.

They cover the head, the side of the face and often also the nose. This gives the distinctive helmet.


A coin example just designed by CIT I do not like that much but you get a good idea again :


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