Storing Your Bullion

Now that you own some bullion, you don't want to leave it out for others to see. Storing it in a safe lets would-be burglars know you have something of value. Unless you're buying an old-school safe, most modern safes are simply a mild deterrent and buy you some time. Keeping anything in a safety deposit box with a bank leaves you at their mercy, as does paying to have another company store your bullion in their vaults.

Storing On-Site or Off-Site

This is a question only you can answer. If you have options for storing some of your bullion off-site of your personal home, it wouldn't be a bad idea to split it up. If you don't have alternate property where you could store a portion of your bullion, then you'll want to get creative with how you store it.

Hiding Your Bullion

Your best option if you can only store it on your property is to hide it. Whether that's inside or outside the house is up to you. Your best chance of keeping your precious metals safe is not drawing attention to it. Many burglaries are a quick attempt to steal some valuable items and get away without unwanted attention. Below are some ideas to conceal your bullion.

Note: The links below are referral links, so I make a small percentage from anything you purchase.

GoPong Sunscreen Diversion Bottle

Your typical burglar isn't going to take the time to rummage through your toiletries and sunscreen to see if you have valuables hidden in them.

Diversion Water Bottle

Most wouldn't think to look in your cupboards and check to see if your water bottles are truly for water, or hiding something else.

Hideaway Planter

Most burglars aren't going to consider your potted plants as a place where valuables might be hidden.

Diversion Hangers

Unless you have high end clothing, nice suits or something similar, most thieves would likely not give your closet much thought. They might search through boxes, totes, etc., but most wouldn't think your precious metals would be hiding in a hidden pouch inside one of your shirts or outfits.

Diversion Safe

This is a basic safe fom Amazon. You can use it to hide fake bullion and valuables, acting as a convincing diversion. Many would simply break open the safe or steal the whole thing, thinking they had scored. They'd likely not continue their search elsewhere, thinking this was all that was worth stealing.

As with all things, while these are ideas on ways to misdirect would-be thieves, they're not a guarantee. Only you can decide what will work best for you and your circumstances.

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