A single thought about silver...and why I think YOU should get some. SOON!

 If you check the lower-right corner, you'll see "paper to silver ratio" at 179 to one. What this means is that, at the current time, there are 179 "claims to an ounce of silver" being attached to "one ounce of silver." To be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, it means that if one guy comes in and claims the equivalent of whatever the total number of physical ounces of silver that actually exist, there will be 178 people who get ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. 

 This can be taken in two ways. Either you can keep buying a few ounces here or there as it fits into your budget, and while you still can, OR you can "hope you're the ONE PERSON WHO CLAIMS THEIRS FIRST." Which approach do you think is the more logical one? 

 It also means that there is a possibility that "physical silver" is currently priced about 1/179th of what it should be priced at, and if it were to even go to half of the level of paper manipulation, you'd stand to make a TON in "nominal value" in the future. Just imagine getting an ounce today for $20.00, and see it go up in value 10 times...or 50 times...or 179 times! 

 No guarantees...but silver is DEFINITELY undervalued...and it's still available. 

 Take from that what you will...


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