Silver and Gold, Here we go Stackers. Lift off is a GO /// SILVER up .49 Cents today alone.

Fellow Silver / Gold Stackers, Our time is about to come to pass. I am looking for silver and gold to make a sharp run up beginning in August , 2017. The U.S. Dollar continues to be under massive pressure at home and around the World. The Stock Markets are due for a MASSIVE downward correction. Something must give, and it will soon. Don't forget what is on the cover of the Economist from decades ago. The cover has a Gold phoenix rising up. Gold is Key. Its sister Silver is bound by history.

For decades precious metals have been controlled via paper contracts. This must and will come to an end. The price rise in Silver and Gold will be so rapid that it will catch most off guard. Suddenly people will begin to buy silver and gold which will send prices even higher.

All through time Gold and Silver are mentioned as a precious commodity and MONEY. Today Silver and Gold are still money. Real money. Precious metals cannot be brought into existence. The metals will soon be in great demand around the World. Many people are oblivious to this due to the fact of the continued manipulation of metals. The Smash Down in 2011 did it for a lot of people. People are nervous about buying metals due to that manipulated crash. Unfortunately they will have missed on the greatest opportunity in precious metals in this generation.

It is time to buy precious metals. Silver and Gold is insurance. Many people don't see the metals as investments, but I sure do. They will always be worth something, unlike paper dollars, paper shares of stocks, and the like. Silver and Gold are REAL.

History says it all. I like to make investments in the past. What do I mean by this? I simply look at past history in the generations of before. Every single one of them used silver and gold for money and wealth. One day soon the circle will come back around to when silver and gold will be VERY PRECIOUS. Therefore my investments are those that the generations of before believed in. Silver and Gold.

Just like in stocks, when you see a stock smashed to oblivion and the company looks to be an A+ you simply buy all you can, knowing that it will dramatically go up again. Silver and Gold are almost there folks. Now is the time to buy. I'm not a pumper, just want everyone to benefit from the coming rally in the metals.

Have you ever held a handful of new dimes in your hand? Have you ever held a handful of 90% silver dimes in your hand? The difference in the two hand fulls is vastly different. You will know why silver is precious if you do. There is nothing like it.

It's your choice people. Wealth is upon those holding precious metals (in your possession). Gold and Silver are about to rise from the ashes of TIME.

I am grateful to Steemit for making this blog possible. Keep Steeming on STEEMIT People. Crypto Currencies are a great way to purchase Silver and Gold. Cheers.

(All images off of google imaging)

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