A Letter to Whomever still supports Steemit Independent Content Creators (S.I.C.C)

Dear ( Insert Name Here )


It's been awhile..No, that is an understatement. Its been a very long time, how are you these days friend? Anyway, I'm writing you because I was just thinking about the good ol days ya know? The times where Technological Advances on the chain weren't everything. I'm not arguing against it to say the least, I enjoy the leaps and bounds.

But don't you remember when the Chain flourished with various different types of original content? It was beautiful and still is in memory. I don't want to admit that those times are gone, because those times still live inside the few true content creators that remain here.

Lets be frank though..To say the least things have changed and some would say we have strayed from the path. Others would argue that the atmosphere on the chain is much different from before. A few would even claim that its dead. (chuckles).

Regardless, opinions and things of that nature never really mattered to me. What always mattered was content creation, but as I grew from a minnow to a full fledged Crypto Enthusiast I started noticing that outside of STEEM..No one was really focused on creating Original Content behind Crypto and Blockchain based things. More or less people just wanted to create something that brought a lot of people in and then obtain their money. (ICO's and etc). Hell, when I started Crypto Vlogging, most people were only getting on video to shill shit coins and faulty projects. (chuckles)

For some reason, every morning around 5 am a Bird sings the same song to me..Interesting..Anyway, I won't ask the question,"Where did we go wrong" , because I don't think we did go wrong anywhere. We just went in a certain direction.

I guess I'm writing you (Insert Name Here) because I feel like you of all people understand that Original Content Creation is key or at least I still hope you do. In the time that we have grown apart I started a Clothing/Merch Business that originated on Steemit. You know how it goes, but I'm happy to say that its a satisfying venture. I have been able to take it from an idea to actual items in stores. I hope to open my own little boutique in the future, but who knows right?

I'll get straight to the point ( ironically at the end of the letter ) If you still have some spare Steem Power to lend an Original Content creator of 3 yrs I could use it. Upvotes and delegation would be nice, just like back in the old days. Inside the letter I have put some photos of my current works.


I told you Bitconnect was a scam.

Best Regards
~@sirlunchthehost Founder of @cmmerch

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