OPEN STAGE for YOU on my channels!

We are all connected through hive but we are all also present on other social media platforms like youtube, instagram, reddit, twitter and so on. For most of us those channels are also important and we are constantly working on our visibilty and viewership/community like we are doing here. If this action is going well and a few people will join - I probably make a series out of it with more specific themes but first let's start easy here.

My plan is simple but effective: I am going to use my social media channels for highlighting and introducing you Hivelandians to my followers around the internet. My plan is to create a video in which you answer questions to introduce yourself and I will also add informations about your social media channels/blogs/whatever and how people can get to know you better.

what will the final video look like?

Just to give you an understanding how the finished video will be: The sequence of scenes will be like:

  1. quick salutation and stuff
  2. I will ask a question and blend in your answers
  3. repeating 2 until everything is answered
  4. I will add more information about the participants and their social media channels

why I am doing this?

My aim is to give something back for all the engagement I have received here over the last 2 years. I don't have thousands of followers on ig/yt/reddit and so on but I think it is absolutely worth every single follower today - because they can be the one who start the snowball system for building your community.

what I ask you to do?

Your part will be quiet simple and I bet you can do it in under 1h. The main requirement is that you will record yourself on camera and you answer the questions below about personal things because personality is really important in growing an organic and active viewership.

Below you can find a few questions about your personal life and more. Please record yourself answering those in short clips (around 1 min max per question) in a (semi-)good lighting situation, good audio and in the best case in 24fps. It would be good if you have a fixed stand/tripod for your smarthpone/camera but its not needed.

Then you just upload your files (or one big file) via the following link onto my onedrive:!AnxbOJRRPOhtoVbG3sXLzXuBAcQX?e=XVdz1w

In 2 weeks (Deadline: 1st of May) I am going to edit everything together and I will highlight your channel to my followers on various social media channels (hive, dtube, instagram, twitter, youtube, reddit).

what are the rules?

  • record video of you max 1min per question
  • record with good lighting and audio
  • use a stable camera/smartphone (like a tripod or anything to have a still shot)
  • upload to my onedrive (link above)
  • Deadline: 1st of May 2020

Questions you should answer in your recording:

If you don't want to answer one of them just tell me in the video that you skip question no.3 for example. That would help me with the edit.

  1. Where are you from and what do you like about that place?
  2. Tell us about one of your hobbies! What do you like the most? Can you take something more than the procedure itself from it?
  3. What was your last meal you cooked by your own and what was special about it?
  4. Do you have any favourite musician / band? Tell us about them!
  5. Do you want to share any funny story from your childhood/youth?
  6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  7. We would like to hear some empowering/encouraging words from you! Please share some wisdom with us!
  8. (not included in the video + I will make my part to showcase this to the viewers) Which channels/social media profiles should I highlight from you?

If you have any further questions, just let me know!

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