Toward the sky

Toward the sky

At that time I wanted to go to the sky
Looking at it makes me imagine
I wish I could go
Blue sky with white clouds
Decorate the beauty of this space
Sometimes I do not understand
Why did he come down to earth?
Is he sad, is he lonely?
When the rain stopped
He made a beautiful painting
Rainbow, like that they say it
They even race to find the end of the rainbow
When you find the tip
You will be able to go to the sky
But none find it
Its beauty can only be enjoyed
But we can not go there
If you want to go to the sky
You have to pass the long journey
Raise thousands of stairs
And bring a gift for Him
You can not go through it instantly
It takes a process as well as effort
After all that you can pass
You will see beautiful scenery from the sky
That's all you can do if you believe in yourself.

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