Shout Out Saturday #5 || Blog-Blog Yang Patut Di Kunjungi

Yeeesss #shoutoutsaturday time! One of my favorite tags to use weekly. Initiated by two #thealliance members, @crazybgadventure and @shadowspub, by checking out and using the tag I have been finding interesting blogs around Steemit.

As always, 5 awesome English postings and 5 worthy to check Indonesian postings.

Here they are!

Have you heard of puffin? I only learned about their existance when I first move to Canada, about 15 years ago. We went to Montreal Biodome, and they have real puffins and stuffy toys of puffins too. These seabirds are known as clown of the sea and/or sea parrot and they do have funny looking face due to their beaks. BUT I kid you not, the are sooo cute. Come check out @crimsonclad amazing photography of the cute puffins and tell me I'm wrong. Don't you think they are just so cute?


Holy moly, check this one out, I repeat, check this one out. Cccaaaaacccaaaaraaazzzyyy. @ilhuna posted an nsfw (although for me it's totally safe) blog of awesome honeyed people. Yes, you read correctly. People are covered in honey! They look super sticky and as if they were melting wax. She is blogging of a photographer with honey and people project. Very interesting!


In a couple of months I will be celebrating my first Steemit birthday 💃 Some awesome peeps have celebrated theirs recently, like @choogirl, @underground, and @barbara-orenya. I am taking notes from them should I am gonna post about my Steemit birthday. If yours is coming up and you'd like some pointers too, check here, here, and here


You Got Snekked! Woot-woot! Your rank is too high to be visited by @curie? Dont be sad. @poeticsnake and her team of curators are browsing around Steemit, finding gems and sprinkling their fairy dust, making people feel appreciated. Keep making quality posts and you might end up getting snekked! Meanwhile, check out the latest curation of articles that got snekked.


Steemit Meet-Up are happening here and there, almost every other day. The Quebecois have theirs weekly, which @jessicapixie just shared her first encounter with other Steemians in Montreal. Melbourne' weekly meet-up is happening tomorrow as @datascience is posting a reminder about it. Nashville/Tennessee meet-up that was supposedly for #thealliance members only and will happen today, is being extended to whoever would like to come. @enginewitty, @ancapbarbie, @ameliabartlet, @katrina-ariel, @sircork, @rhondak, @brandyb, @gomatthew, from thealliance, plus @patrice, @lukestokes, @anarcho-andrei, and @sirlunchthehost.


So that's it for this week folks, accounts that are worthy to read.

VOTE me as your witness at On the provided box, type thekitchenfairy and click VOTE


Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, and helping new comers on #indonesia

Pagi teman (malam buat yang di Indonesia)

Biasanya pagi di Kanada aku posting menu berbuka ku, tapi untuk pagi ini, aku dulukan untuk posting blog2 yang patut dikunjungi, seperti setiap hari Sabtu kemarin2 yah 😊

Ntar agak siangan, akan aku unggah menu buka puasaku semalam

Untuk sekarang, mari tengok blog2 berikut ini

  • @bundaqubeki punya langkah-langkah untuk membuat bunga dari kain perca. Kalau kalian ingin sedikit kreatif, klik disini nih buat belajar dari bundaqubeki


  • Wow, Kebumen baguuuuus, mirip Hawaii (aku belum pernah ke Hawaii sih, hanya kakakku yang sudah pernah kesana dan bahkan sedang tinggal disana). @permanayogi cukup apik dalam mengabadikan keindahan Kebumen. Kalau kamu ada rencana jalan2 ke Kebumen, cek dulu blog berikut ini


  • Baca cerita ttg Benteng Marlborough di Bengkulu yuk. Si @juliansyah sayangnya nulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang sedikit berantakan, mungkin karena dari Google Translate, tapi cukup menarik nih, karena cerita tentang penampakan hantu😁


  • Satu lagi postingan bagus akan Bengkulu. Kali ini oleh @azroel. Pemandangannya apiiiik sekali. Coba deh lihat disini


  • Marilah kita menelaah apa yang @rastaufik10 unggah di blognya. Masih banyak kanan kiri kita yang hidupnya prihatin jangan sampai kita lupa untuk membantu mereka. Jangan hanya bersifat dan bersikap empati pada saat Ramadhan saja melainkan setiap saat.


Oke deh teman segini dulu yah. Selamat berakhir pekan!

VOTE thekitchenfairy sebagai witness-mu di Dalam kolom yang tersedia ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE


Aktif membantu pendatang baru di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord

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