The unexpected visit

It was on cool Tuesday morning, Blessing was on nightshift so she was home. She was sleeping, preparing for the next night shift which was usually tedious and draining , when she felt someone enter her room . Being a sensitive person, she woke up almost immediately. It was Hannah the help.

There were 4 occupants in the house Blessing, Hannah the female help ,Moses the male help and Blessing's landlady. Blessing had often wondered why the owner of her house had two helps, a male and a female. Her conclusion was that the old lady just needed company, which is the same reason Blessing as a tenant lived inside the main building as well.

"What is it Hannah?"Blessing asked obviously not pleased that her short sleep had been interrupted.
"It is mummy...she asked me to wake you"Hannah had responded, feeling sorry for what she had done.

Blessing, now annoyed as her landlady was known to be a bit overbearing , asked again "for what? What is it this time?"

"See aunty Blessing, there is a visitor...he is a pastor...he requested for everyone in the house". Hannah said with anxiety.

Blessing who was obviously irritated rose from the bed, as she looked for clothes to wear, she kept wondering why there was a pastor in the house and why he had requested for everyone.

Stepping into the living room, everyone was seated looking serious and Blessing's anxiety increased. Landlady, her son who came visiting briefly, Moses and Hannah were sitted as well as the man of God.

Having greeted the man of God and sitting like the others, she assesed the prophet. She could have sworn he was just a regular guy on the streets, nothing special.

He wore jeans, a polo shirt and he had converse sneakers on. He looked young, not more than 35 and he had a knowing smile on his face. Blessing wondered what was funny.

The man of God immediately rose to his feet and began to pray. Everyone replied with a resounding amen as his voice thundered. He shouted so much that Blessing wondered if that was meant to chase away evil spirits. After what seemed like ages, he ended the prayer. He immediately pointed at Blessing, her heart missed a beat.

"Mummy , who is this lady to you?" He asked.
Blessing's landlady was quick to respond.

Then he added that Blessing was being afflicted at work but she was ignorant of it. He continued by saying she needed special prayers in his church.

Blessing had mixed feelings, she had issues with work and her employers truly but she had never believed in prophets especially those who walked into one's house unannounced.

At the end of the day, he had a message for everyone and so everyone had to attend a special vigil in his church the coming Friday. Landlady gave him some prophetic offering and he left.

Blessing knew it was a bad idea for her to attend. It was the night she would be off work and will be able to sleep, she also needed to travel home to her family the next day.

But Blessing also knew she might end up wrongly accused if she refused to attend the program. Her landlady already had ideas that they were evil spirits haunting the house. So Blessing knew she had to sacrifice, it was a sad and tough decision for her.

Friday came and Blessing was totally fagged out. She knew she was definitely going to regret attending the vigil. As the whole house got ready for the vigil, Blessing wished she had a choice.

The journey to the church was rough, apart from the fact that they had to struggle in traffic, they jumped buses and they had to search for the church. All these late at night. When they finally found the church, it was scary...

The church was located close to a river, it felt like the building was built awkwardly low and there were grasses and water surrounding it. Blessing could see worry etched on Hannah's face as well. As they navigated their way into the church, the members of the church starred.

Blessing felt like they had just entered a strange zone. Everyone looked strange and awkward, there were children and adults and the altar seemed like a mini office with chairs and big tables.

The prophet quickly located Landlady and he welcomed them all, taking landlady to a special seat in front. The vigil began about several minutes after and Blessing realised they had arrived early. Typical of landlady, she was overly time conscious when it came to spiritual activities.

Hours into the vigil, Blessing still wasn't at peace. She was in the midst of strangers, in a strange place in the middle of the night. In addition to that she wanted to sleep badly but couldn't risk being accused of witchcraft or being possessed.

Everyone in the church had been singing and twerking for hours, for once in her life, Blessing wished they could get to the part where the pastor decided to share the word. So she could actually sit.


The time eventually came, but Blessing's joy was shortlived. The pastor had barely spoken for 10minutes when he began to sing and twerk. To make matters worse he called on his wife who was a master singer and she took over. Then he went from row to row, screaming at people's faces, urging them to dance and twerk like their life depended on it.
Hannah and Moses seemed to be enjoying the twerking as Moses even "fell under the anointing".

The pastor got to Blessing's side and complained that she was not twerking enough. Blessing knew she had to endure till morning.
No one was happier than Blessing the minute the church meeting ended in the early hours of the morning.

Against landlady's suggestion that they remained in the church till it was bright enough, Blessing insisted on leaving early saying she was going to travel home from there. A decision she later regretted as well.

Getting a means of transportation out of the church location proved more terrible in the early hours of the morning than it had at night. Blessing had to struggle her way through. When she finally made it to the carpark it was daytime already and Blessing noticed and realised why everyone had been staring at her.

She was dirty looking and obviously tired. The church hadn't been tiled and the dirt was of course as a result of compulsory twerking, pushing and dragging which had taken place in the church.

Blessing finally boarded a bus and she was glad she could eacape stares. Sitting at the front seat later turned out to be a terrible idea. Just when she thought her embarrassments were over, she began to doze in the bus, she caught herself hitting the lady sitting next to her several times.

When she couldn't help it any longer, she opened up to the poor stranger that she had been in a rigorous vigil and hadn't slept for hours.

Blessing could tell the driver wasn't pleased either because she caught herself meandering in sleep towards the driver as well. She was practically sleeping uncontrollably, unaware of what was going on around her.

At that point, Blessing knew she had totally goofed and only luck and grace could get her to her destination safe.

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