The Simple Things

It's so funny how sometimes we feel held back from listening to our hearts, preventing us from doing something that you know will feel good. I was sitting at a cafe in the airport observing this server who was working so hard and I could tell she was in a bit of stress. Being a server myself I felt her pain and knew what she may be going through, I wanted to just give her a hug, tell her to take a deep breath and that she's got this! Once things calmed down I thought to myself you know what I'm going to write her a note, just to be nice.. perhaps it'll brighten her day. But for some reason there was a part of me that felt some resistance, but why? So I pushed the ego to side, wrote my note saying how awesome she is and put it to the side. As I got up to leave sure enough she went out of her way to compliment me and told me how great my outfit looked, not even knowing that there was her own compliment awaiting her on the table.Share.png

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