The Laugh Sing Dance Story : Perfect


Today is the 1st Day of The Last Month of the Year.
Roller Coaster.
The highest highs and oh the Lows.
Glee fills as u reflect u were able to experience all this.
Grateful for each and every one of the experience. Its thru mistakes we learn what is ideally perfect,for us, and everyone around us.
Lost and losing so many important people.
The best is to take it all in good faith .
Moving away from what we thought was once ours.
Was it painful?
Yes,pretty sure .
But hey let's look at the bright side, what had to be done,had to be done.
Are we close to Perfect?
Most time we find it hard to relate to Normalcy, but We thrive.
We strive.
More religiously now.
As one.

What is perfect anyways?

Each of us have our own definitions.
I'm sure u have yours too.

"I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight"

Ed Sheeran.

Friends , have we all not been blessed with the greatest friends.
To most people that's their Perfect.

Meeting random people in the most unexpected places who in turn became a part of them, creating their very own perfect ,well rounded world.

Did u know?

The word perfect can be used as an adjective,verb and noun.




having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.

"she strove to be the perfect wife"

synonyms:ideal, model, without fault, faultless, flawless, consummate, quintessential, exemplary, best, best-example, ultimate, copybookMore

absolute; complete (used for emphasis).

"a perfect stranger"

synonyms:absolute, complete, total, real, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing, downright, utter, sheer, consummate, unmitigated, unqualified, veritable, in every respect, unalloyed; More



make (something) completely free from faults or defects; make as good as possible.

"he's busy perfecting his yoga technique"

synonyms:improve, make perfect, bring to perfection, better, polish (up), burnish, hone, refine, consummate, put the finishing/final touches to, ameliorate, brush up, fine-tune;


"he's busy perfecting his yoga technique"




the perfect tense.


Perfect Tense.

What an oxymoron.

Most of the times, now more regularly, we catch ourselves in the most perfect tensed moments.

What do u do then?

U are now able to recognize it, what next?


Yea it helps for those who are truly in control of their emotions.

But what do we do when the breathing fails?

Chant ?

Aum. Aum.Aum.

Then what?

Then What??

U realize everytime you open up to your emotions u get hurt.
Dyspnoeic Almost .

When we believe in the divine complex structures, HELP always comes.
Almost Perfectly .

Someone ..
Which is in Sync will almost always call u or appear as a song, sign,person or even numbers .

Suddenly , just like that..
You feel u can now breathe a lil better.

U feel the sudden release of heaviness in ur thoracic cavity.

I guess, that's when,we bow down in all humility and acknowledge that there are some divine intervention taking place, guiding us . Its now time to trust our gut,our intuition and go with the flow.

Row Row Row Your Boat , Gently Down the Stream..
Not Against It.

Everything is Always Working In Your Favour.
The Universe is Always Conspiring With You.
Create Now.
Set The Intention Right.

Perhaps, it may all be...



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