Looking Through The Mirror Of The Old You


You sprang out with the sun shining too brightly for you. You woke up in the world with the warmth of your family’s loving stares. You took your first step knowing that there would be comforting arms that would willingly catch you if you fall. You learned how to walk thinking that there would be hands that’ll pull you if you tend to go too far. And with those thoughts, you believed that you were strong, uptight and ready for any fight. You relied on the fact that people will always take your side no matter what you decide, may it be right or may it be wrong.

But how the people and circumstances raised you made you feel that it wasn’t what you expected. You were taught to write on your own. You read your first words from your own drop of tears. You solved those difficult Math problems all alone. You knew or maybe you thought it was unfair. You wanted people to look after you. You wanted people to invest their worries on you. And instead of making you strong on your own, everything made you selfish. You went selfish enough that you even concluded that you were deprived of love. You were too selfish that you get hurt with every comparison. You were too selfish that you came to the point where you started pitying your own.

With that pity, you wanted people to experience the other way around. You pampered them with all the love that you thought you were wanting. You cared to much that you chose to be hurt than them being the ones hurting. You loved too much and you cared too much. But you grew jealous. You got jealous because no one can do the things you’ve done to other people for you. You got too jealous that again you pitied yourself. Because you believed you became strong. But you weren’t. You never were.

Without your knowledge, you started to fail at noticing the good things that were laid for you. Instead, you easily see the bad things that you believed were true. You tend to pity yourself too much that you even ignored the people that were willing to love you. You shoved off every positivity that life offered you. You were too foolish and selfish.

Your foolishness and selfishness then started to throw things at you. You were hit so hardly and you fell to the ground. You waited for someone to reach out to you, someone to lean on. But people then started to trample at you. Just then, they started to push till you got no strength to get up. You were buried. You became forgotten. You were completely ignored.

You were buried deep on the ground. You cannot see nor hear anything. You felt fear creeping in your insides. You couldn’t do anything but cry. You cried until you got used to crying. Until you got used to the darkness that enveloped your being. You knew you were sad. You knew you were really alone. You knew.

Suddenly, you felt the warmness that once left you. You felt the sun smiling at you, sending bright sunshines for you. Then hope covered you. The thought of going out on the ground excited you. You sprang again. You gave yourself another chance. Another chance to live. Another chance to get better. Another chance to grow.

Now,you can see the world in a brighter view. Now you can smile like you never did before. Because you realized that you were raised that harshly to grow perfectly, to become someone way better than the old you. Now you can face the world with all of its positivity. Now you can be with people knowing that you had no selfishness nor jealousy concealed beneath you. You realized that the tears you shed were the fertilizers to your barren, standing ground, that made you grow beautifully. You came to accept everything with all of your sincerity. You are now better. You are now stronger. You are now the person I am looking at the mirror. You are now that grown person that I will always proudly embody.

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