One letter

Rajan was gone office ... Vidisha was alone in the house and courierboy gave a cover - on which only Vidisha's name was written. Vidisha was surprised, it was just two months since she lived in the city, she did not know anyone, even if she did not recognize anyone ... then who would send her a cover with the courier? His curiosity grew so much that he was crying - in the kitchen, he left the job unnecessarily and was barely able to tear his cover. Who would have written the paper - and even on its name ?! It is still possible to understand the name of Rajan ... but this is clearly on the name of Vidisha ...! There was some note or a scratched paper. Vidisha started reading ...

Forgive me I do not know whether or not you knew me, but I am writing this letter to you as an unknown brother, maybe forgive me if I hurt you, and read this paper, I am sure that your heart will suffer only ... but also what to do ? I do not see the injustice done to you and that is why I have to write to you this letter to bring you light from the darkness - I am sorry for that. Rajan knows me and he realizes that I have opened his pole before you, and maybe it is not inconceivable even to kill me. So I can not tell you my real name. But I am witnessing that Rajne has started playing the game of youth, and that is why I believe that I should warn you as a sympathizer and that is why I am proud of writing this letter to you.

If you have done the mark, Rajan's behavior has changed for some time now. Now, Rajan, who was wearing flowers sheets for you, now does not even pay attention to your petty complaints. '

Vidisha stopped after reading this and started thinking ... Yes ... it was true, did not she? Rajan was behind him when he married a newcomer. If he had a slight headache, he would immediately take a bamboo and sit on his forehead, whereas just now he knows that he has started behaving as if he does not care about it. Hey! Last week also ... after eating the bread, he was dizzy and he sat in the kitchen, Rajan had only but he did not even ask him what happened to Vidisha? Was this story of this paperwriter truly correct? He started reading paper ...

"... Vidisha, do not engage in wrongdoing but now Rajan knows that there is no interest in you. And that's the reason - his secretary Roma at the office. Yes ... if the Roma is appearing, the Apesara of the heaven is ashamed and she is also gifted. He has betrayed Rajan in his love affair that he does not see anybody except Romaji. All day, keeping excuses for detection, Romana keeps her in the cabin. The whole staff of the office knows this. But someone would say that - Sir, what you are doing today is wrong! Who says to the tiger that your mouth is dying ...! You are not able to understand this thing as much as you can. After this office is absurd, Romana is going to Rajan's car. I do not say this with envy, but the reason is that - she goes to the hotel with Romana. They drink coffee with them, sometimes take breakfast or even eat them. If you have noticed, when he has attended the hotel with Roma, he will not eat at home ...!

Yes ... Vidisha felt that this is true of her. Rajan often says that he does not want hunger today or does not want to eat. Hey! Sometimes it is the favorite dish made of Punjabi cheese or urad dal and bread, even when it is not. So this is also true.

There was no problem if the talk had already stopped. She was writing in paper ...

"But sometimes the AC in the hotel. The room also keeps - just pays for an hour or two and all day rent. Why? Just think. A young man and a young woman alone are in AC. What would you do at the closet in the room? I am also ashamed if I am writing but this is a red signal for you. Vidisha, be conscious and try to stop your husband or else you will not even cry. The other Roma will keep the tugadherenas in your money. And I also have a smell that you have got divorced in the back door and you are also in the process of getting married to Roma. And that's why I have written this letter to warn you. Read and read my letter.
Ltd Your interest is ignorance. '

Vidisha completed the letter, but did not tear the letter. For a few moments, he remained silent towards the letter. It was true that he talked about it. That

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