''The big decision ever''

‘’The difficult choice for Jordan”.

                        There once lived a man named Jordan. Jordan had everything he needed in life, except for one thing. That thing was a dog. Jordan always liked dogs. Growing up he had all sorts of pets, except a dog. He had to make the biggest decision of his life, which was choosing a dog to fit his lifestyle. He was the type of person who was

everywhere at once. He had a full time job which required his full attention on a daily basis. This full time job consisted of him waking up at 5 am, and working till 5 pm, which was a full 12 hour day without breaks. I know what you're thinking how is that even fair to him, well we'll get there in a moment. Jordan's job was to edit the cities news paper, so he was an editorial. Some days he worked less hours, which would be about 7 hours a day still without a break. The reason he didn't get any breaks was due to the reward he got after his shifts were done. He got a bonus of $225.00, because he works so hard and so well at his job. After he gets home from work, he has his second job of cleaning the neighbors dogs. He cleans them by bathing them, and clipping their nails as well as other jobs. Jordan is a well known groomer, around town. Everyone wants him to groom their dogs, but it wasn't enough for Jordan. Jordan wanted more, he wanted a dog.
One day as Jordan was getting out of bed, he heard the mail slot. The mail had come as it normally does, early in the morning. The only thing he could think that it might be was the newspaper, which got him excited because he knew there were ads for dog adoptions available. He got out of bed, and made his way to the front door. He saw the newspaper, and with a big smile picked it up. Made himself a bowl of oatmeal, and sat himself down. '' I almost forgot'' he said. ''My orange juice is almost expired, I must drink it''. he left his newspaper on the table, got up and went toward the fridge. Opened the door, grabbed the orange juice, and grabbed himself a green glass with a pink x on it. Poured himself the Orange juice, put the carton in the recycling, and sat down. ''What kind of pooches are being offered for adoption today?'' Jordan though to himself. Flipping the pages he looked around until he came upon the ''pet section''. It jumped out at him like a mexican jumping bean. There were many options of pooches to adopt. He looked for awhile, until he spotted could it be, was it truly the end of all, the one?. It sure caught his eye. Her name was Chaps. Chaps was a border collie, and she was about 2 years old at this point. She was a pretty sight to see. She was oddly different then your normal Border Collie breed. She was brown with yellow patches all over her. Despite this difference, Jordan liked her. Little did Jordan know, this was the beginning of a long road.
Jordan picked up his coat, grabbed his car keys and jolted out the door like lightning, he was so excited he could hardly take it. He raced his car to the adoption center, where right in front of him were many dogs to choose from but he wanted Chaps. ''Now where could Chaps be''?. He looked around for awhile, until he saw her tail with the yellow patch on it. He called her name, but nothing. He was stunned, why was she acting all nervous for?. Then he looked again, and there was his answer. She had been bitten from another pooch at the adoption center. He looked for the suspect, and judging by the size of the bite it looked as though Crusher had taken a nice chunk from her ear. So not only did she look odder then ever, this just made his heart melt a slight little more. He looked again, and it turned out she also had a scratch on her paw. He gently pet her head, in a way that she might feel at ease. Slowly, but surely she turned around and her tail started wagging. She knew that this person was a good person. She sniffed his hand, and made a slight bark. She was undoubtedly happy that he had come to save her
from her sadness. He picked her up, and took her to the desk.
''I'll take her please''. He gave the woman the money, and grabbed a few things from the local pet store. After they went to the pet store, Jordan and Chaps drove home. On their way home they spotted an Eagle, a Kangaroo, a Caribou, and the neighbors cat Taigane. Taigane was a 4 year old orange and yellow Tabby. Finally they were home at last. Jordan opened the door, and in ran Chaps. Chaps had never seen such an arrangement of excitement before in her life. She barked in excitement, and got herself comfy on the couch. Jordan grabbed himself the newspaper, and sat down beside his newly long life friend. He gave her a friendly, she gave him a friendly bark. This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship full of laughs and love.

The End.

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