Youtube random comment section.

Sitting at the park pavilion with two cups of coffee waiting for my date to show up...but I doubt she willl...not like they ever bother too anyways...
But then a girl walked by....she had that face of sadness. Walking in the rain with no umbrella or jacket to cover her long dark hair.
"hey!" I yell to her as I walked to her direction and pull out my umbrella
"Do you have a name?" I ask her with a polite smile.
She looks down as if she is ashamed to speak.
"Here sit down with me" I insist walking towards the pavilion.
"Here" I say sliding her the extra cup of coffee
"I was waiting for someone but I don't think they will show up"
She looks into my eyes as if I sparked her soul
"Th....thanks" she says looking down trying to hide the smile.
"It's fine really, I'm glad the company anyway" I say laughing awkwardly with my hand on my neck.
"So why were you walking alone in the rain?" I asked confused. She looked down and didn't say a word.
"If it's don't have to tell me...I didn't mean to say that I should of minded my own business" I say freaking out trying to fix what I've done.
She starts to giggle. As if all the pain from her face has gone away. She looks into my eyes and says "I'm fine". But deep down inside I know she's not. But I play it off anyway trying to make her happy. I lift my thumb and move some dirt and smile
"I'm glad to see you're happy" I look into her deep green eyes noticing her beauty.
"Thanks" she says sipping the coffee looking out into the rain. I can't help but admire how amazing she looks. It makes me feel as if it was destined to fall in love with her. I look down feeling this anxious beat in my heart as if I'm about to tell someone I've liked for years about my true feelings. I put my hand on her should her and look out with her.
"Whatever it is you're going will get better in time" I say nervously.
She puts her left hand over mine and thanks me for what I said. I felt as if I wanted to hug her.
"This is going to be my wife" I said to myself.
Deciding to sit, i turn around and see nothing but an empty coffee cup.

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